Environmental Activism Opportunities

  • Expose the TPP

    BOTL segment excerpt:

    A number of organizations, grassroots groups and watchdog outlets are lining up to oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership for all the reasons already mentioned and the dozens more that would doubtlessly be discovered AFTER implementation.

    Expose The TPP [dot] org is a hub of information and action aggregated by a coalition of those groups and individual volunteers. You can find out how to deliver anti-TPP talking points in six seconds to your less tuned-in friends and family, get updates on the push to fast track the TPP through Congress, contact your representatives, write letters to the editor and suggest your own actions.

    Take Action:

    Visit the Expose The TPP website for resources, talking points, ways to contact your representatives and more.

    Listen to the source segment for this activism at BOTL Activism: Expose the TPP, episode #792 "Don't get down with TPP (Corporate Takeover)”

    Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich

  • Buying Green Power

    BOTL segment excerpt:

    Planet killing energy giants control everything, right? That’s the assumption most of us residing outside of deregulated, competition-rich Vermont live under. Coal, oil, natural gas — all are pumped into our homes by the company we’ve always used or who bothered to drop the flier into our mailboxes.

    It turns out we’re wrong; there is competition for our heat and electricity.

    The US Department of Energy website’s “Buying Green Power” tab can connect you to the options in your state — many of which are cheaper than use going through the obvious corporate conglomerate. Depending on where you live, your options vary due to ingenuity, availability, feasibility, etc. Not every area has off shore wind farms, for example, or access to Vermont’s “Cow Power Program” which turns farming by-products into energy. But even if your state hasn’t implemented market competition for electricity, you should still be able to purchase green power or use a “green pricing program.”

    Take Action:

    Buying Green Power, The Green Power Network

    More info:

    Listen to the source segment for this activism at BOTL Activism: Buying Green Power, episode #824 "Investing in a green future (Climate)”

    Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich

  • The Solutions Project

    BOTL segment excerpt:

    Wouldn’t it be great if someone was spearheading a project that connected science, climate reality, practical solutions and concerned citizens? That thought lead actor and activist Mark Ruffalo to Professor Mark Jacobson, the Stanford researcher who had done a study on making New York state 100 percent reliant on renewable energy. Ruffalo thought, why not a study with a realistic plan for every state?

    These are not happy, overly-excited liberal fantasies. They were developed by scientists and business leaders with research from Stanford, UC Davis and Cornell. By combining wind, water and solar power, each state can break free of its dependence on carbon fuels — and there’s no admission fee or purchase requirements or entrance exam for leaders in government and business to get their hands on the plans. They just have to say yes.

    Take Action:

    Visit the The Solutions Project website for tools and to stay updated on their efforts.

    Other Activism: Put Solar on It will help you attach solar panels to almost any structure!

    More info:

    Listen to the source segment for this activism at BOTL Activism: The Solutions Project, episode #795 "It's hot, it's cold, it's polluted (Climate/Energy)”

    Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich

  • Protect the Arctic From an Oil Spill Disaster

    BOTL segment excerpt:

    Thanks to a recent ruling out of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Shell has announced it cannot make its yearly push for new leases and fewer regulations. The courts have said that the Department of the Interior failed to conduct an adequate environmental impact assessment before allowing the sale of Arctic Ocean areas for oil and gas exploration.

    The Obama administration has the power to cancel all current Arctic drilling leases and halt all future lease sales. As the Sierra Club petition reminds us, “the Arctic's extreme weather, harsh cold, sea ice, winter darkness and sensitive wildlife make it the last place we should be drilling for oil.”

    Take Action:

    Add your voice/name to the Sierra Club's White House letter: Protect the Arctic from an oil spill disaster!

    More info:

    Listen to the source segment for this activism at BOTL Activism: Protect the Arctic, episode #815 "Past and future destruction (Climate)"

    Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich

  • National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

    BOTL segment excerpt:

    What could be more important than a need as basic as food? With an eye toward the future, sustainable agriculture seeks to provide for “the now” without infringing on future generations’ ability to live and grow. We must revive the notion that we are all stewards of the land.

    NSAC is "an alliance of grassroots organizations that advocates for federal policy reform to advance the sustainability of agriculture, food systems, natural resources, and rural communities.” Basically, they’re the Best of the Left of our food supply. They aggregate the efforts of nearly 100 groups around the country that are doing the on-the-ground work necessary to make sure we can eat, our children can eat and — hopefully — our great, great grandchildren can eat as well.

    Take Action: Sign up for action alerts at the NSAC “Take Action” page.

    More info:

    Listen to the source segment for this activism at BOTL Activism: National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, episode #796 "Don't eat shit and die (Food)”

    Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich

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