Call on President Obama to Make Standing Rock a National Monument #NODAPL
While the news that the Army Corps of Engineers denied the final permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline and will be producing an environmental-impact statement is a huge victory for the water protectors, this is not over yet. We have less than 7 weeks - not including the upcoming slew of Federal holidays - to push President Obama to make Standing Rock a national monument through the power of the Antiquities Act.
A proclamation under the Antiquities Act is not the same as an Executive Order, which could be easily undone by Trump. Congress would have to pass a bill abolishing the monument, Trump would have to sign the bill into law, and then the courts would have the final say. The courts have a long history of supporting the Antiquities Act when challenged, but at the very least the legal battle would take time.
Every day has been harder and colder for the heroic water protectors in North Dakota, who have been viciously and unjustly attacked while they remain unarmed. Meanwhile, President Obama could end all of this and come out on the right side of history with the stroke of a pen.
If you’ve been joining the demonstrations of thousands across the country in support of Standing Rock, it’s easy to feel like everyone is paying attention. Let me assure you they are not. The media is still distracted by the inflammatory tweets of the same man that has captured them like a cat with a laser pointer for the last year. By all means, we must keep getting out in the streets, but let’s also spend time urging our outgoing president to wield a valuable tool at his disposal that he has already used more than any other president in history.
So, pick up your phone and call the White House today to tell President Obama to protect the water that millions rely on by making Standing Rock a national monument. The number to call the White House with your comments is 202-456-1111.
We also urge you to email the President by going to the contact page of and to write and mail hand-written letters to the president. We know that he reads 10 of the public’s letters every night that his team selects as representative of all the emails and letters that come in the door. Let’s make sure he is getting letters about his moral obligation to make Standing Rock a national monument every…single…night.
So if protecting our water from Big Oil is important to you, then be sure to hit the share buttons to spread the word about Calling on President Obama to Make Standing Rock a National Monument via social media so that others in your network can take action too.
Stand up. Fight back. There is no time to lose.
Call the White House comments line at 202-456-1111
Get the info to write to the President by visiting the contact page on
The Historic Victory at Standing Rock (The Atlantic)
Standing Rock: Tulsi Gabbard on What the Dakota Pipeline Decision Means (Rolling Stone)
FAQ: The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Litigation on the Dakota Access Pipeline (Earth Justice)
President Obama: Declare a "Standing Rock" national monument to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline (Our Revolution)
Posted December 6, 2016, written by Best of the Left Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman.
Hear this segment in the context of the latest Best of the Left Edition #1062: Defend the Sacred Dakota Access Pipeline
Tell President Obama to Revoke USACE Permits & STOP the Dakota Access Pipeline #NoDAPL via @350
If anyone ever tries to tell you that resistance is futile, just point them in the direction of the Standing Rock Sioux of North Dakota. This is the ultimate David and Goliath story. It’s the Standing Rock Sioux against the financial interests of about 17 firms, which all loaned Energy Transfer Partners $2.5 billion dollars to complete the massive Dakota Access oil pipeline.
So it was more than a big moment last week when shortly after a federal judge denied the tribes request for an injunction, the President, Department of Justice and the US Army Corps of Engineers released a joint statement that put a temporary stop to all construction in that area.
Not only that, but the statement went on to say...
"This case has highlighted the need for a serious discussion on whether there should be nationwide reform with respect to considering tribes’ views on these types of infrastructure projects. Therefore, this fall, we will invite tribes to formal, government-to-government consultations…"
After thousands protested across the country this week, the pressure is on and the president is listening. Now is the time to double down and let Obama know that the people stand with Standing Rock - and all native tribes who have been abused, exploited and neglected by America’s government since it’s founding. You can submit your message to the president through by going to President Obama: Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. You can also call the White House directly at (202) 456-1111 and, of course, spread the word on social media using the hashtag #NoDAPL.
This isn’t the first pipeline battle and it sadly will not be the last. So make fighting for a sustainable future and the rights of front lines indigenous people part of your theory of change before and after the election by getting involved in the long term with organizations like, or a local climate action organization near you.
You can also find upcoming #NoDAPL actions near you through the NoDAPL Action Network map.
So, if protecting our land and water is important to you, then be sure to hit the share buttons to spread the word about telling the president to revoke the US Army Corps of Engineers permits and stop the DAPL via social media so that others in your network can get involved too.
As the #NoDAPL movement grows, the fossil fuel industry gets ever more scared. #StandWithStandingRock
— 350 Action (@350action) September 14, 2016TAKE ACTION
Tell President Obama to revoke USACE permits by sending him a message.
Find actions near you through September 17th and beyond. This map will update, so check back frequently!
Sign up to get the latest news and hear about upcoming actions related to #NoDAPL.
Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp legal defense fund
Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp supply fund
Learn about the targets of the #NoDAPL movement
"'We are Protectors Not Protestors': Why I'm Fighting the North Dakota Pipeline" (Iyuskin American Horse, The Guardian)
Moments After Judge Denies DAPL Injunction, Federal Agencies Intervene (Indian Country Today)
What You Need to Know About the Dakota Access Pipeline Protest (Moyers & Company)
Alabama, Georgia declare state of emergency after pipeline spill (
Written by BOTL Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman.
Hear the segment in the context of the latest Best of the Left Edition #1042: Protecting from the black snake (Dakota Access Pipeline)
Stop the #DakotaAccessPipeline via @ReZpectOurWater (Standing Rock Reservation Youth) #ReZpectOurWater
In edition #1032 "Why they deny," we heard a lot about climate denial, profits over people and looking the other way when it comes to climate change. And here is perfect example of those destructive behaviors in action.
Just last week, the US Army Corps of Engineers approved all construction permits for a company called Energy Transfer to break ground on the Dakota Access Pipeline, also known as the Bakken {Bah-kin} pipeline - a $3.4 billion oil pipeline running through four states which would cross the Missouri River less than a mile from Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota.
What’s worse is that the Corps approved these permits despite having several meetings with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe which expressed concerns that the pipeline would travel through ancestral lands and be a health risk when it leaks. Not if, but when - because from 2012 to 2013 alone, there were 300 oil pipeline breaks in the state of North Dakota.
Now the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is suing the US Army Corps of Engineers for what they see as the undermining of the the Clean Water Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, the National Historic Preservation Act and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. UPDATE as of 8/5/16: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe files for temporary blockage of construction of Dakota Access Pipeline
The children of the Sioux Nation have been at the forefront of this battle since the beginning with efforts backed by major climate organizations like In May, a group of both native and non-native youth ran a 500-mile spiritual relay from Cannonball, North Dakota to the US Army Corps of Engineers office in Omaha, Nebraska to deliver a statement against the oil pipeline and a petition calling for a full Environmental Impact Assessment. And now, as the pipeline is underway, they are running for their lives again. This time from Nebraska to Washington, DC.
In her petition, 13-year-old Anna Lee Rain YellowHammer wrote...
“I can only guess that the oil industry keeps pushing for it because they don’t care about our health and safety. It’s like they think our lives are more expendable than others.”
Not only does this project impact all of us, but no frontline community should stand alone in the fight for climate justice. So here’s what you can do: Visit to sign the petition to Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, read the letters from the youth of Standing Rock and get updates on the effort. Then share the petition on social media with the hashtag #ReZpectOurWater.
If you live anywhere near the Missouri River or its tributaries, call your legislators to oppose the pipeline and join the Bakken Pipeline Resistance made up of tribes, landowners and environmental groups protesting and bringing awareness to this issue.
So, if fighting for climate justice and calling out government hypocrisy on climate change is important to you, be sure to hit the share buttons to spread the word about supporting the Standing Rock Reservation youth to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline via social media so that others in your network can get involved too.
As the Sioux youth petition says, “Native American people know that water is the first medicine not just for us, but for all human beings living on this earth.”
You know, I bet if they tried hard enough, even an engineer could figure that out.
@@USACEHQ Keep the #DakotaAccessPipeline AWAY from our #water! Watch & SIGN OUR PETITION
— Standing Rock Kids (@ReZpectOurWater) May 3, 2016TAKE ACTION
Sign the Standing Rock Youth "Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline" petition and share with #ReZpectOurWater
Read the letters and watch the videos from the Standing Rock Youth at
Follow the Standing Rock Youth on Twitter @ReZpectOurWater
If you live on or near the Missouri River, get involved with the Bakken Pipeline Resistance
If you're in DC: Lafayette Square Rally for Standing Rock Youth - Saturday August 6th at 1pm
If you're in NYC: Union Square Rally for Standing Rock Youth - Sunday August 7th at 3pm
UPDATE as of 8/5/16: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe files for temporary blockage of construction of Dakota Access Pipeline (KFYR TV - West Dakota)
Standing Rock Sioux Sues Army Corps Over Dakota Access Pipeline Approval (Indian Country)
Breaking: Dakota Access Pipeline Approved (Indian Country)
Running for Their Lives: 500-Mile You Spiritual Run Against Dakota Access Pipeline (Indian Country)
This Week Tonight with John Oliver: North Dakota (HBO's Last Week Tonight)
What they are up against:
Corps: We're not for or against Bakken pipeline (The Des Moines Register)
Op Ed by Terry O'Sullivan, President of Laborer's International Union of North America, "It's Time To Move Ahead with Dakota Access Pipeline" (The State-Journal Register)
Written by BOTL Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman.
Hear the activism segment in the context of Best of the Left Edition #1032: "Why they deny (Climate Denial)"
Break Free 2016 #KEEPITINTHEGROUND - A Global Wave of Resistance to Keep Coal, Oil and Gas in the Ground via @350
Humanity is at a critical turning point. If we want a viable future, there is only one thing we can do: shut down the fossil fuel industry. That means millions of people joining communities on the front lines in mass, global civil disobedience right on the doorsteps of the largest, most dangerous fossil fuel projects in the world. And you can do that…RIGHT NOW…by joining's Break Free 2016, happening now through May 15th at a strategically selected fossil fuel project site near you.
Break Free 2016 is focusing on specific locations for its global actions because...
“...fighting climate change requires the courage to confront polluters where they think they are most powerful. For years, communities on the front lines have led that struggle, and this May we can join them.”
In the US, the top actions will take place at the following locations:
Pacific Northwest action - Anacortes, WA
Northeast action - Albany, NY
Midwest action - Chicago Area, IL
Western action - Denver, CO
Southwest action - Los Angeles, CA
Mid-Atlantic action - Washington, DC
If these action locations are not close to you, the organizers encourage you to organize buses, trains and bike-pools to the event in your region of the country. If you absolutely can’t make it to one of the primary actions, you can look for actions popping up in major cities near you, or organize your own as part of Break Free. Visit to sign up and get further details on the actions nearest you, and use the hashtag #BreakFree2016 and #KeepitintheGround to join the conversation online.
So, if the future of humanity is important to you, be sure to hit the share buttons to spread the word about Break Free 2016 via social media so that others in your network can get involved too.
No matter how much money they make, fossil fuel giants can’t drown out the voices of millions. So join the global movement and let’s break free from fossil fuels once and for all.
Watch "DISOBEDIENCE," a new film from
Find and sign up for a targeted action near you at
Learn more about organizing your own action
Get inspired by the latest film “Disobedience”
Join the conversation online via the hashtags #BreakFree2016 and #Keepitintheground
Follow @350 on Twitter for the latest updates on the action and other news
Donate to support the work of
Sources/further reading:
4 Reasons Now is our Chance to Break Free from Fossil Fuels (via
Bill McKibbon: Global Warming's Terrifying New Chemistry (via The Nation)
Inside the Paris Climate Deal (via The New York Times)
President Obama's Climate Action Plan Infographic (via
Bill McKibbon: Why We Need to Keep 80% of Fossil Fuels in the Ground (via Yes!)
Fossil Giant BP Sees Fourth-Quarter Profits Sink Nearly 70% (via Smarter Shift)
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #1011: "Deception vs. Disobedience"
Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman.
Break Free 2016 #KEEPITINTHEGROUND - A Global Wave of Resistance to Keep Coal, Oil and Gas in the Ground via @350
2015 was the hottest year on record. February 2016 was the most abnormally hot month in history - by a long shot.
But here’s some good news: The winds of change powered by an energized and organized climate movement are blowing strong, and the fossil fuel giants are starting to sway.
This year, BP announced that its 4th quarter profits sank by nearly 70%. Royal Dutch Shell warned its profits would be cut in half from the previous year. In Paris, 193 countries agreed to end the age of fossil fuel. President Obama released, and is fighting to uphold, a Clean Power Plan that would shutter hundreds of coal-fire power plants.
This is an unprecedented opportunity for the climate movement. For the first time we have momentum on our side, but to take advantage of the shift in global awareness and make the full transition to renewable energy we must keep the pressure on.
And so, in that same spirit, we are reminding you again today about’s “Break Free 2016” - a global wave of mass actions over May 4th to the 15th that will target the world’s most dangerous fossil fuel projects, in order to keep coal, oil and gas in the ground and accelerate the just transition to 100% reniewable energy.
Break Free 2016 has strategically selected the locations of these global actions citing that...
“...fighting climate change requires the courage to confront polluters where they think they are most powerful. For years, communities on the front lines have led that struggle, and this May we can join them.”
In the US, actions will take place in most regions of the country at the following locations:
Pacific Northwest action - Anacortes, WA
Northeast action - Albany, NY
Midwest action - Chicago Area, IL
Western action - Denver, CO
Southwest action - Los Angeles, CA
Mid-Atlantic action - Washington, DC
If these action locations are not close to you, the organizers encourage you to organize buses, trains and bike-pools to the event in your region of the country. If you absolutely can’t make it to one of the actions, you can organize your own local action as part of Break Free.
Visit to sign up and get further details on the action nearest you. Use the hashtags #BreakFree2016 and #Keepitintheground to join the conversation online.
So, if the future of humanity is important to you, be sure to hit the share buttons to spread the word about Break Free 2016 via social media so that others in your network can get involved too.
This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. Let’s show the fossil fuel giants that we’re ready to break free from fossil fuels once and for all.
Find and sign up for a targeted action near you at
Learn more about organizing your own action
Join the conversation online via the hashtags #BreakFree2016 and #Keepitintheground
Follow @350 on Twitter for the latest updates on the action and other news
Donate to support the work of
Sources/further reading:
4 Reasons Now is our Chance to Break Free from Fossil Fuels (via
Bill McKibbon: Global Warming's Terrifying New Chemistry (via The Nation)
Inside the Paris Climate Deal (via The New York Times)
President Obama's Climate Action Plan Infographic (via
Bill McKibbon: Why We Need to Keep 80% of Fossil Fuels in the Ground (via Yes!)
Fossil Giant BP Sees Fourth-Quarter Profits Sink Nearly 70% (via Smarter Shift)
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #1001
Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman.
#LeapYear Manifesto: For New Economic & Energy Systems via @NaomiAKlein — Best of the Left Activism
You’ve reached the activism portion of today’s show. Now that you’re informed and angry, here’s what you can do about it. Today’s activism: Leap Year Manifesto: Mobilize Towards New Economic & Energy Systems.
Naomi Klein’s latest project is bold. At a two-day meeting this past spring in Toronto attended by representatives from Canada’s Indigenous rights, social and food justice, environmental, faith-based and labor movements, a manifesto was created to advance economic and climate justice. The Leap Year Manifesto has over 32,000 signatories including organizations like, Sierra Club Canada and Black Lives Matter - Toronto.
The Leap Year Manifesto states:
"The time for energy democracy has come: we believe not just in changes to our energy sources, but that wherever possible communities should collectively control these new energy systems.”
As they decided that “small steps are no longer enough,” the team at This Changes Everything have gone international with the goal of gathering people to mobilize towards new economic and energy systems. Today, Klein and’s Bill McKibben participated in a Google Hangout you can watch at to get more information on the world-wide effort: Leap Year 2016.
In a piece at The Guardian, Klein lays out what the campaign means and why she’s hopeful. Among the 15 demands in the manifesto, she’s advocating for a rapid shift to 100% renewable electricity that’s democratically controlled to be paid for by ending fossil fuel subsidies, imposing high royalty rates on fossil fuel extraction and implementing cuts to military spending.
Leap Year 2016 would not just address climate change, it could create equity for long-suffering groups who have dealt with discrimination and multi-generational health issues from pollution, reduce economic and gender disparities, and initiate a boom of stable, well-paying jobs. At, you can join or host an upcoming event such as teach-ins, community discussions, screenings of This Changes Everything, and more.
Klein is optimistic that this is all possible thanks to recent victories against Keystone and Shell’s Arctic drilling. She closes her Guardian article with words of motivation and encouragement:
“[T]ake a minute or two to think about the extra day at the end of this month. It’s a reminder that people can indeed come together to change a failing set of rules. The laws of nature, not so much. Then let’s make 2016 the year we started to bridge the chasm between what is, and what must be. Let’s make it the year we started to leap.”
JOIN/Host: #LeapYear Event, Feb-March 2016 via
WATCH: "Leap Year 2016 - Hangout with Naomi Klein, Bill McKibben, and more”
hosted by This Changes Everything
Canadians can SIGN: The Leap Year Manifest
Sources/further reading:
"Let’s make this a real ‘leap’ year, and go fossil fuel-free” by Naomi Klein
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #988 "When climate science meets faith-based economics"
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich
Break Free From #FossilFuels via — Best of the Left Activism
You’ve reached the activism portion of today’s show. Now that you’re informed and angry, here’s what you can do about it. Today’s activism: Break Free From #FossilFuels via
The Paris Climate Summit ended in a first-of-its-kind agreement: limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius with an aim of 1.5 degrees and achieve climate neutrality that will require phasing out fossil fuels in the second half of this century. While organizers wit were hoping for more, they’re celebrating a deal that sends what they call “a clear signal” — that it’s time to keep fossil fuels in the ground and time for investors to cut their ties with coal, oil, and gas by divesting for good.
In order to continue pressuring governments to make good on — and possibly even out-perform — the goals from the Paris agreement, and coalition partners including GreenPeace are inviting you to join their global wave of resistance this May to keep coal, oil, and gas in the ground.
At you can get updates and learn more about how to participate. Plans are coming together and progressing quickly with plenty of ways to get involved before the international actions this spring. There will be public actions such as marches as well as protests with civil disobedience set on shutting down the world’s most dangerous fossil fuel projects while also supporting the most ambitious climate solutions.
A map and calendar of actions from May 7-15 are coming together with a vision of tens of thousands of people all over the world rising up at a moment when the effort is not linked to any particular government summit, conference, or legislation. Activists and organizers will set the terms and demand attention following the hottest year on record as climate change is already having massive impact on so many communities.
From the sign-up page:
"We are close to a historic, global shift in our energy system. The way we get there is by action that confronts those who are responsible for climate change and takes power back for the people so we can shape the sustainable and just future we need. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for, let’s seize it.”
Sign up to help organize and/or get updates: Break Free From #FossilFuels via
Sources/further reading:
"10 awesome things we did together in 2015” via
"Leaders Move to Convert Paris Climate Pledges Into Action” via The New York Time
"Historic Paris Climate Agreement Should Spook Fossil Fuel Markets and Escalate Clean Tech Investment” via DeSmog Blog
'Green News Report' Special Coverage 2015 Year In Review via Green News Report
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #980 "A agreement made in Paris (Climate)"
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich
#KeystoneXL Victory Update & #ActInParis via @sierraclub — Best of the Left Activism
You’ve reached today’s activism segment. Now that you’re informed and angry, here’s a glimmer of hope to remind you that not absolutely everything is completely terrible all the time. Today’s update: Keystone XL Victory and the Road to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris.
Keystone XL is officially dead.
Thanks to activism lead by extraordinarily brave and relentless Indigenous People across the continent and climate activists refusing to give up and willing to risk repeated arrest over several years, President Obama has announced that Keystone will not go forward. Take time to sign the Sierra Club’s #ThanksObama note — it took years, but he did finally (mostly) listen and keep the project from being completed.
Rejecting Keystone is an important step not just for the long term goals of campaigns like’s Divest From Fossil Fuels and Sierra Club’s #KeepItInTheGround, but as a political optics move ahead of the climate negotiations in Paris at the end of this month. It’s easier for the U.S. to ask other nations to curb their pollution in an attempt to prevent catastrophic, irreversible climate change if we are taking visible steps of our own.
As was covered just a few weeks ago on this show, international organizations like have co-organized the upcoming Global Climate March on November 28th and 29th. You can find the action in your area or help put one together — still plenty of time — by visiting
If you are unable to march — and not everyone is, the Sierra Club has some great visibility boosting actions. At as well as on the hashtag #ActInParis you can find updates on goals for the talks, check out the “Best of the Best” from commitments countries have made ahead of the talks, and read what international faith leaders are saying in support of bold action in Paris. Even if you aren’t religious, you know you have those friends and family in your networks who are swayed by the Pope, the Dalai Lama, and other recognizable figures. Frankly, even for the non-religious, it’s pretty inspiring to see unity among Buddhist, Catholic, Episcopal, Greek Orthodox, Islamic, Jewish, and Hindu leaders from around the world.
As expected there’s a social media campaign — but it has an “in the real world” twist. People who submit photos of themselves holding a sign with the #ActInParis hashtag through Twitter and/or Instagram will not only show public support for strong action at the summit, they’ll become part of a collage that’s GOING TO the summit. The Sierra Club is posting what will hopefully be a sizable pictorial display of people from around the world demanding their leaders get something real accomplished this year.
Looking ahead to next year — which is right around the corner, has actions already planned to follow up on the Paris talks; you can get all that information at
#KeystoneXL Victory! "KEYSTONE XL VICTORY: TO WIN A FIGHT, YOU HAVE TO PICK ONE: Obama’s pipeline rejection a huge win for citizen action” via Sierra Club
Follow-up/new(ish) Action!
#ActInParis for bold climate action with Sierra Club
Snap a selfie and “go to” Paris with Sierra Club’s #ActInParis Photo Campaign
SIGN on to’s Plan Through Paris
SIGN to say #ThanksObama for rejecting #KeystoneXL!
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #967 "Going to Paris with our heads held somewhat high (Climate)"
Revisit the original actions/segments:
Tar Sands Resistance March #stoptarsands
#KeystoneXL Under Congressional #Climate Deniers
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich
#GlobalClimateMarch via @350 — Best of the Left Activism
You’ve reached the activism portion of today’s show. Now that you’re informed and angry, here’s what you can do about it. Today’s activism: #GlobalClimateMarch.
The United Nations is preparing for climate negotiations in Paris this December and, predictably, has been active ahead of time.
“The Road Through Paris” campaign is so-named because the pressure will need to continue beyond the summit. As’s campaign page says: "No matter what happens at the summit, this will continue to be true: Politicians don’t lead movements — people do.”
2015 is on track to be the hottest year in recorded history — which will make this the third record-breaking year in a row. The UN Secretary General says he’s on board, telling the press that we need to "accelerate investments in clean energy and spur a global, low-carbon transformation well before the end of the century, consistent with a below 2 degrees Celsius pathway.” is looking to hold them to that and more with specific milestones. Their goal is to get world leaders to make a deal that’s “in line with the imperatives of science and justice.” They’re demanding that 80% of fossil fuels stay in the ground and financing for a transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050. These are ambitious goals and everyone has to get involved in a visible show of support to put the necessary weight behind the demands.
Next up is the Global Climate March November 28th and 29th — info on the specifics in your area can be found at It’s the weekend before the talks start and, while the biggest action is happening in Paris itself, people are participating around the globe. optimistically calls this a possible turning point — but only if we push for it. Visit and join up with the Global Climate March happening near you, or access resources to start your own.
Join the next #RoadThroughParis event: The #GlobalClimateMarch
Additional Activism/Resources:’s push ahead of the Paris summit: Register Your Divestment from fossil fuels
Sources/further reading:
"Leaders Discuss Deeper Engagement for Strong Climate Agreement in Paris”
via Bloomberg
"Demolishing The 7 Myths Propping Up Fossil Fuels: It's time to set the record straight.” via Huffington Post
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #962 "Building momentum to and through Paris (Climate)"
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich
#FindYourPark on National @PublicLandsDay — Best of the Left Activism
You’ve reached the activism portion of today’s show. Now that you’re informed and angry, here’s what you can do about it. Today’s activism: National Public Lands Day.
It’s no secret green space is vanishing. Enjoying nature for nature’s sake is lost on most people these days. For some of us it’s because we’re creatures of habit, for other’s it’s how the hamster wheel of capitalism sucks up almost all of our time.
This week, use National Public Lands Day as an excuse to take a breath and do something that’s as good for you as it is for nature. Saturday, September 26 is set aside as the nation's largest single-day volunteer effort for public lands. It’s hosted by the National Environmental Education Foundation and signing up to volunteer at earns you a “fee-free” coupon to visit any federal site. For some public lands that even includes accompanying passengers in a car.
What started as three events and 700 volunteers 17 years ago has grown to over 2000 events and more than 175,000 volunteers. Last year alone, NPLD volunteers removed 500 tons of trash, built and maintained 1,500 miles of trail, and contributed an estimated $18 million through volunteer services to improve public lands across the country. This year’s events include planting trees and shrubs; educational and recreational activities like kayaking, birding and camping; and locale-specific events like the live, interactive pre-historic cooking demonstrating featuring the "earth oven" method of cooking at Poverty Point World Heritage Site in Louisiana.
So grab friends and get to a National Public Lands Day event in your area. The best way to make sure people are personally invested in maintaining public green spaces is to take them out to those spaces for relaxing and fun activities. Make it an annual thing and challenge others to do the same.
Register to volunteer for National Public Lands Day!
Be sure to get your Fee-Free Coupon as a thank you for volunteering!
Sources/further reading:
"More than 175,000 Volunteers Expected on National Public Lands Day, September 26, 2015” via National Public Lands Day
"Let's Move Outside: Public lands make the best playgrounds!” via National Public Lands Day
"Our Land, Up for Grabs” via The New York Times
"This Land Was Your Land” via The American Prospect
"Volunteer on trail crews for National Public Lands Day, Sept. 26” via The Seattle Times
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #955 "In search of the good life (Culture)"
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich