No War With Iran: Jan. 25th International Day of Action via CODEPINK
Over the years, many of you have asked us “What happened to the peace movement?”
The answer is it’s still very much alive and it needs your support now more than ever.
Since the day the news broke that Trump ordered the assassination of Iranian Major General Soleimani in Iraq, the anti-war organization CodePink has sounded the alarm and organized immediate protests against potential escalation and war with Iran.
This Saturday, January 25th, CodePink is leading a coalition of over a hundred organizations in an International Day of Action to demand “No War With Iran.” Protests will take place across the US and in fourteen other countries, including Canada, the UK, and multiple countries in Europe.
Their message is clear: The people of the world do not want Trump to drag the US and its allies into a war with Iran that could engulf the whole region and “could quickly turn into a global conflict of unpredictable scope and the gravest consequences.” Basically, we have to stop World War III.
For weeks, CodePink has also been urging Americans to call and write their members of congress to tell them to support Senator Tim Kaine’s War Powers Resolution. If passed with veto-proof votes in the Senate, it could prevent Trump from taking any further military action in Iran without congressional approval. The Senate vote likely happened just before this episode went out, but the result will determine the course for future public demonstrations and direct action.
To find a “No War With Iran” rally near you this Saturday, January twenty-fifth, visit, Be sure to follow the latest updates on twitter @codepink and via the #NoWarWithIran.
So, if preventing another catastrophic US-led war is important to you, be sure to spread the word about the January 25th International Day of Action to Stop War With Iran via social media so that others in your network can spread the word too.
Find a Jan. 25th "No War With Iran" International Day of Action rally near you
Tell your members of congress to support the Senate War Powers Resolution
Why Iran's Qassem Soleimani was on a not-so-secret trip to Iraq when he was assassinated (Business Insider)
Trump authorized Soleimani's killing 7 months ago, with conditions (NBC News)
Trump’s team insists Soleimani was an “imminent” threat. Just don’t ask for details. (Vox)
Posted January 21, 2020; Researched and written by Best of the Left Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman
Hear the segment in the context of Best of the Left Edition #1330: Facing an Irrational Foe (Trump escalates tension with Iran)
Stop U.S. Support of Saudi Arabia in Yemen: Tell Congress to Support the War Powers Resolution Measures
Since March of 2015, the U.S. has been providing weapons, intelligence and mid-air refueling support to Saudi Arabia and the UAE in their intervention in the Yemen Civil War. Over 17,600 civilians have died in air strikes and more than 85,000 Yemeni children have died of starvation. More than 8 million Yemenis are at risk of famine and a cholera outbreak has affected 1 million people. Yemen is a full on humanitarian crisis and the U.S. is not only complicit, but has the power to end it.
In early November, The Trump administration announced they would stop providing midair re-fueling for Saudi aircraft, but nothing less than complete withdrawal of support is enough.
Congress has the power to force the Trump administration’s hand by passing legislation that invokes the War Powers Resolution (Senate: S.J.R. 54 & House: H.C.R. 138), a federal law from the post-Vietnam era intended to check the president’s power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the authorization of Congress.
After a failed attempt in March, last week Senator Bernie Sanders put forth the legislation again and the Senate finally voted to advance the War Powers Resolution legislation by a 63-37 majority. Grassroots pressure on Democrats and Republicans, more details on the Saudi-ordered murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and the fact that tens of thousands of starving Yemeni children are starting to make headlines has all had an impact. A full Senate vote is now on the table. This is the first time the US Senate has invoked the War Powers Resolution.
Of course, Trump - who doesn’t understand most of the nation’s laws - doesn’t understand this one either. He claims that he’ll just veto the resolution, but the War Powers Resolution needs only a simple majority in the House and Senate to be veto-proof (due to a procedure that will very likely be invoked and bicameral approval in January.)
A vote in the House on a similar bill, sponsored by Rep. Ro Khanna of California and dozens of his colleagues, was blocked a few weeks ago by Republican leadership. But now that the Senate has advanced the measure, Khanna says they will try again. However, even if they don’t succeed, come January the path forward in the House should be clear.
So, get on the phone and call your members of Congress in the House and Senate today to ensure they know that you do not want your tax dollars funding one of the worst humanitarian crisis facing the globe today. Not all Democrats are a shoe in to vote for this measure, so keep the pressure on. You can also spread the word on social media with the hashtag #YemenCantWait.
If you’d also like to help the Yemeni people directly, we’ve included links to a number of resources with ways to help in the links below.
So, if ending this horrific humanitarian crisis the U.S. has helped perpetuate is important to you, be sure to hit the share buttons to spread the word about telling Congress to Support the War Powers Resolution Measures via social media so that others in your network can spread the word too.
1. Tell Your Members of Congress to support:
SENATE (WAR POWERS RESOLUTION): S.J.Res.54 - A joint resolution to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress.
HOUSE (WAR POWERS RESOLUTION): H.Con.Res.138 - Directing the President pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution to remove United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress.
2. Share this action on social media with the hashtag #YemenCantWait
3. Help the Yemeni people directly:
International Rescue Committee - Yemen (IRC)
Humanitarian crisis: What can I do to help? (BBC)
Charities Responding to the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen (Charity Navigator)
Yemen Crisis: How to help people and children facing famine (NBC)
85,000 Children in Yemen May Have Died of Starvation (NY Times)
Congress is finally pushing the US to withdraw from Yemen. It's about time (The Guardian)
Demand an End to US Support for the War in Yemen (The Nation)
Yemen's humanitarian crisis worsens each day. Here's how to stop it (CNN)
Climate Change Is Aggravating the Suffering in Yemen (The New Republic)
How Congress Can End the War in Yemen (NY Review of Books)
When will America stop participating in Yemen's genocidal war? (The Guardian)
Life in Yemen Is Sophie's Choice (The Atlantic)
Posted December 7, 2018; Written by Best of the Left Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman
Hear the segment in the context of Best of the Left Edition #1233: The US-backed war fueling the worlds worst humanitarian crisis
Divest from Nuclear Weapons Producers via @DontBankonBomb
Don’t Bank on the Bomb is a regularly updated global report on the financing of nuclear weapons producers around the world. The report is produced by an organization from The Netherlands called PAX, which aims to bring together those who believe in peace and want to contribute to a just and peaceful world.
The 2016 update of the report shows that 390 financial institutions from around the world invested 498 billion US dollars into just 27 companies involved in the production, maintenance and modernization of nuclear weapons since January 2013.
Now, I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear that about 60% of those financial institutions are U.S. institutions and they’re responsible for 68% of the total global investment. And, of course, you’ll recognize some of their names. BlackRock, Capital Group, Vanguard, State Street, Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase are the top 7 investors in the production, maintenance and modernization of nuclear weapons in the world.
Whether you want to personally divest or put pressure on financial institutions to do so, head over to and click the “Take Action” tab. There, you can tweet at your financial institution, download the organization’s Divestment Campaigner Guide, and get step by step guidance on how to personally divest from institutions supporting nuclear weapons. Additional documents on engaging the public, media, government and financial institutions, as well as articles on the latest nuclear weapon news, are also available on the website.
So, if stopping the further investment of nuclear weapons is important to you, be sure to hit the share buttons to spread the word about Divesting from Nuclear Weapons Producers via social media so that others in your network can spread the word too.
Divest from financial institutions funding nuclear weapons production with
Get guidance on divesting, download the campaigner guide, and more, on the Action page
Easily tweet at and tag financial institutions on Facebook to tell them to stop investing in nuclear weapons
Who Invests? (Don't Bank on the Bomb)
Who Divests? (Don't Bank on the Bomb)
Nuclear Weapons Producers (Don't Bank on the Bomb)
Posted March 6, 2018; Written by Best of the Left Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman
Hear the segment in the context of Best of the Left Edition #1169: Playing with Winter (Threat and Effects of Nuclear War)
Fight the War Economy By Growing Local #Peace Economies via @CodePink
The big marches happening over the next few weekends will likely have an additional anti-war component now that Trump has bombed Syria, provoked North Korea, and dropped the MOAB - the largest and most expensive non-nuclear bomb we had in our military arsenal - on Afghanistan.
We encourage you to get in the streets for those marches, but also organize local actions in your communities in the days in-between to voice your rejection of American imperialism and the war economy, and support of multilateral, diplomatic strategies and solutions. Calling Congress to express these opinions is also crucial to making our voices heard.
But in addition to rapid response actions, we can work locally and personally in the longer term to create the world we want to live in. Code Pink, the women-led grassroots anti-war organization founded during the Bush years, has launched a campaign to help raise awareness and encourage reflection about the fact that each and every one of us is invested in the war economy. We invest by the way we live and the decisions we make each day. But they believe, as I do, that we can divest from the war economy and cultivate a just, “Local Peace Economy” that creates conditions conducive to life by redirecting our investments to our local communities and people.
The fact is that the war economy is killing us. America has been at war for the last fourteen years and now Trump has put us on the brink of multiple, new escalations. This perpetual war, the widening wealth inequality, and refusal to deal with existential issues like climate change, are inextricably linked. The wealthy few hold an immense amount of power and control political, social, and economic systems to safeguard and expand their power. As Code Pink explains, this situation has resulted in “a social, ecological, economic, and political crisis that threatens life on earth.”
On the Local Peace Economy campaign page on their website, Code Pink writes, “Even though there is evidence that shows that humans are predisposed to be cooperative and sharing, the war economy survives by creating the experience of scarcity that forces the reliance on greed, selfishness, competition, and a sense that we are separate.”
Head over to to read more about the campaign, take the Peace Economy Pledge and read the Next Steps to begin growing your Peace Economy now.
The next steps include questions to ask yourself to see where in your life you are not living your values, a list of suggested organizations and causes to engage with that align with Peace Economy goals, how and where to invest financially in your local community, and much more.
So, if supporting an economy that promotes peace over war is important to you, be sure to hit the share buttons to spread the word about Fighting the War Economy by Growing Local Peace Economies via social media so that others in your network can spread the word too.
Mr. Roger’s once said, “We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say, ‘It’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.’ Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.”
Divest from War, Invest in People. Let's grow #peaceeconomies locally via @codepink @voiceinwild
— Peace Economy (@PeaceEcon) January 31, 2017TAKE ACTION
Visit to learn more about divesting from war and investing in your community
Take action with Next Steps to building a Local Peace Economy
Follow Code Pink @codepink or their Peace Economy campaign account @PeaceEcon
What does an 'America First' Policy Actually Mean? (The Nation)
No Rural-Urban Divide Here: We All Want Good Jobs and Strong Local Economies (YES! Magazine)
What a Policy of Real Solidarity with the Syrian People Looks Like (YES! Magazine)
Why These Missile Strikes Won't Make Things Better for the Syrian People (YES! Magazine)
To Billionaire Doomsday Preppers: Your Wealth Won't Save You (YES! Magazine)
Is War Good for the Economy? (Huffington Post Blog, 2013)
A State of Perpetual War (Huffington Post Blog, 2010)
The US and NATO are Preparing for a Major War with Russia (The Nation, 2016)
Posted April 14, 2017; Written by Best of the Left Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman
Hear this segment in the context of Best of the Left #1095: Reckless Empire and the Forever War (Foreign Policy)
Plan a MLK, Jr. “#BeyondVietnam” Speech-Reading Event for April 4th via @VFPNational and National Council of Elders
On April 4th, 1967, at the Riverside Church in New York City, Martin Luther King delivered one of his most famous speeches. It was called “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence.” The speech confronted the deeply rooted racism, militarism and materialism of the United States and describes our country as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.
In that speech, Dr. King offered a stern warning, saying, “When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights, are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered.”
He also questioned a war justified by the fear of an ideology, such as communism, wondering, “Is our nation planning to build on political myth again, and then shore it up upon the power of a new violence?”
Dr. King’s challenge to engage in a radical revolution of values encountered vicious opposition then, but now, 50 years later, his speech and its call to action are more relevant than ever.
That is why the National Council of Elders, founded by Dr. Vincent G. Harding, who wrote the draft of the “Beyond Vietnam” speech, is encouraging everyone to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s “Beyond Vietnam” speech by hosting speech-reading events in their communities on April 4th.
The organization Veterans For Peace is supporting this call to action and asking it’s chapters to organize and host events. To reach out to a Veterans For Peace chapter near you to see if you can volunteer at their event, go to and select “Find Chapters” under the "Chapters" tab. If you or your organization would like to organize an event of your own, select the “50th anniversary of Dr. King’s Beyond Vietnam speech” under the "Take Action" tab on There you will find a toolkit that includes the full text of the “Beyond Vietnam” speech, tips on how to organize your event, who to invite, and more.
Again, we want to ask that you help us in our work to amplify the most effective activism. If you have come across an action or a new organization that is doing great work getting people engaged to resist the Trump agenda, please share it with us by emailing [email protected]
So, if fighting the multi-trillion dollar war economy that is destroying us from without and within is important to you, be sure to hit the share buttons to spread the word about Planning a MLK Jr. “Beyond Vietnam” Speech-Reading Event for April 4th via social media so that others in your network can spread the word too.
“And if we will only make the right choice, we will be able to transform this pending cosmic elegy into a creative psalm of peace. If we will make the right choice, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our world into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. If we will but make the right choice, we will be able to speed up the day, all over America and all over the world, when justice will roll down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., April 4, 1967
On the only national holiday that recognizes a person who worked for peace and justice, read “Beyond Vietnam”....
— Veterans For Peace (@VFPNational) January 17, 2015
Read the entire "Beyond Vietnam" speech
Donald Trump Goes All In for the Military-Industrial Complex (The Nation)
Why Trump's Military Budget Boost Doesn't Add Up (Mother Jones)
Trump’s Budget Proposal Is an Attack on the Working Class (The Nation)
Trump to Seek $54 Billion Increase in Military Spending (The New York Times)
Posted March 3, 2017; Written by Best of the Left Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman.
Hear this segment in the context of Best of the Left Edition #1084: Running the Ship-of-State Aground (Foreign Policy)
Tell your Senators to Make #RefugeesWelcome via @theIRC - Best of the Left Activism
You’ve reached the activism portion of today’s show. Now that you’re informed and angry, here’s what you can do about it. Today’s activism: Tell Your Senator to Make Refugees Welcome & Support The International Rescue Committee.
As we said in last week’s activism "Oppose the American SAFE Act of 2015” — which was part of the start of our coverage of the Paris attacks, the political fall-out in this country, and the refugee crisis — congress and many of our republican governors are attempting to turn their backs on people seeking political asylum during a time of war. If you haven’t, definitely go back and sign the letter from The Nation and use to let your reps know how you feel.
If signing a letter and sending a few tweets — or even making a few phone calls — left you somewhat unsatisfied as the villainizing of refugees as a potential “foreign terrorist threat” has continued unabated, today’s activism is for you. The International Rescue Committee is a non-profit founded at the request of Albert Eistein, who was himself a refugee. Their mission is: “to respond to the world’s worst humanitarian crises & help people to survive, recover, and gain control of their future.”
At the IRC site — — you can donate and sign their petition "Tell your Senator to Make #RefugeesWelcome” which asks congress to support Syrian and Iraqi refugee resettlement. Also through their homepage or by going directly to you can choose a specific gift to send to a refugee — select from items like blankets, temporary shelters, light, emergency medical supplies and more.
Not that we should need a direct tie to a cause to feel compassion and want to help, but certainly if you need one, the refugee crisis in Syria and the surrounding area is a situation the US is at least partially responsible for. We have a humanitarian obligation to do what we can to alleviating the suffering we had a hand in creating.
GIVE A GIFT: RESCUE GIFTS: Symbolic Gifts. Real Rescue.
Additional Activism/Resources:
LIKE & FOLLOW: the International Rescue Committee (IRC) on Facebook and on Twitter
RETWEET: "FACT. Entering the US as a refugee is by far the most difficult and complex of all routes in. #RefugeesWelcome” from IRC: International Rescue Committee
Related Best of the Left Action (11-23-2015): "Oppose the American SAFE Act of 2015 via @TheNation”
Sources/further reading:
Stay up on the latest via the “Refugee Crisis” page at IRC: International Rescue Committee
"Texas official threatens to sue aid group helping Syrian refugees relocate” at The Guardian
"White House promises governors more transparency on Syrian refugees” at USA Today
"Male Refugees Deserve Asylum, Too” at The Establishment
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #972 "Classic American Xenophobia (Refugee Crisis)"
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich
Oppose the American SAFE Act of 2015 via @TheNation — Best of the Left Activism
You’ve reached the activism portion of today’s show. Now that you’re informed and angry, here’s what you can do about it. Today’s activism: Oppose the American SAFE Act of 2015.
Next episode we’ll dive deeper into the content devoted specifically to the Syrian refugee crisis, but with the urgency of a pending vote, we’re not waiting a week to take action on this dangerous legislation.
A sizable percentage of Congress is so terrified of Isis that they’re attempting to pass legislation to make an already excruciatingly exclusionary process — applying for political asylum — basically impossible. The US has only agreed to take 10,000 of the 4 million Syrian refugees as it is; the American SAFE Act would halt their entry into the country.
France, on the other hand, isn’t turning away the climate summit or the refugees coming to them for help. “Some people say the tragic events of the last few days have sown doubts in their minds,” French President Hollande said, adding that taking people in is a “humanitarian duty.” has put out a letter reminding Congress of our country’s part in creating the climate that has lead to the current crisis, admonishing the 30 republican governors illegally refusing to take in refugees, and asking Congress to act with humanity. You can add your name through the “Open Letter to Congress: do not cede to fear” link on The Nation’s homepage.
Then, speak out against The American SAFE Act which passed the House 289-137 — a majority that includes 47 democrats.
Look up your senators and representatives using where you can get everything from their mailing address to their social media handles. Then use the vote list compiled at HuffPo to let the 46 democrats in The House who voted for the bill know you’re holding them accountable. And tell your Senators to vote NO on The American SAFE Act of 2015 when it comes to the floor.
SIGN & SHARE: "An Open Letter to Congress: Do Not Cede to Fear” via The Nation
Find out how your reps voted: "Here's A List Of The Democrats Who Voted To Shut The Door On Syrian Refugees” via HuffingtonPost & use to admonish them for their support & encourage your senators to vote no.
Sources/further reading:
H.R. 4038: American SAFE Act of 2015 via</>
"After Attacks, France Increases Its Commitment To Refugees” at ThinkProgress
#AmericaWelcomes #SyrianRefugees via @MoveOn & @thenation — Best of the Left Activism via episode #959 "The angels of our better nature are being tested (Syrian Refugee Crisis)”
"Paul Ryan’s Alarmist Syrian-Refugee Move Is Playing With Fire” via The Nation
"An update on our refugee work this week” via
"Could the government shut down over refugees?” via
"8 famous Americans with Syrian roots” — including Jerry Seinfeld, Steve Jobs, & Paula Abdul via NY Daily News
"Senate Dems vow to block refugee bill”
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #971 "Trouble at the old pharm (Health Care)"
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich
#SaveSusiya via Jewish Voice For Peace ( @jvplive ) — Best of the Left Activism
You’ve reached the activism portion of today’s show. Now that you’re informed and angry, here’s what you can do about it. Today’s activism: Save Susiya.
Susiya is a Palestinian village in Hebron Hills — part of the Occupied West Bank. Over the summer it was marked for imminent demolition by the Israeli army, which would have displaced 340 people. A campaign by Rebuilding Alliance and other groups lead to protests in the European Union and lead to Israel lifting the demolition date, but with violence continuing — over 2000 Palestinians have been injured since the beginning of October, the village is hardly safe from destruction.
Just since the beginning of October, over 2000 Palestinians have been injured and 77 have been killed. Illegal settlements in the West Bank fuel the clashes. Prime Minister Netanyahu attempted to downplay the size of the illegal settlements at the Center For American Progress this week, saying that settlement construction has made up a tiny fraction of built up land — around one-tenth of one percent. The reality is that settlements technically cover one percent of the West Bank, but with ten percent of the West Bank included in what’s called the “municipal area,” around 40% of the land is off-limits to Palestinians with hundreds of kilometers of roads that further divide and destroy Palestinian territory.
Jewish Voice for Peace — who’s mission includes seeking an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem; an end to violence against civilians; and peace and justice for all peoples of the Middle East — has a petition at asking John Kerry to pressure the Israeli government to prevent the destruction of Susiya and recognize the right of the Palestinian families who live there to plan their futures on the land they rightfully own.
A recent photo essay — "16 Eye-Opening Photos Show What It's Like Going Back to School in Palestine and Israel” — shows why Jewish Voice for Peace and others have left up their campaigns in support of Susiya despite the threat of demolition being downgraded from imminent to “on hold.” The terrain that very young school children must navigate is overshadowed only by the threat of harassment and violence.
It isn’t enough that the demolition equipment isn’t currently stationed at Susiya’s edge. When our government regularly reminds the world that we are “a friend to Israel,” the violence and human rights atrocities committed in the West Bank have our name on them. Sign the petition at asking Secretary Kerry to step in. You can also follow the #EndTheOccupation hashtag to keep up on the latest not reported by our corporate media.
SIGN: Tell John Kerry to Defend Susiya! via Jewish Voice for Peace
FOLLOW: #EndTheOccupation & #IsraeliIncitement
Additional Activism/Resources:
SIGN: "Free Political Refugees Hisham Shaban Ghalia and Mounis Hammouda From ICE custody” via Not1More
Sources/further reading:
5 Questions Prime Minister Netanyahu Should be Asked Today via Amnesty International
"Families from threatened Palestinian villages Susiya and Um al-Kheir bring their stories to the US” at Mondoweiss
"Israel, Don’t Level My Village” — Nasser Nawaja at The New York Times
"16 Eye-Opening Photos Show What It's Like Going Back to School in Palestine and Israel” at
"Mapping the dead in latest Israeli-Palestinian violence”
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #968 "The continuing quagmire of an apartheid state (Israel/Palestine)"
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich
#AmericaWelcomes #SyrianRefugees via @MoveOn & @thenation — Best of the Left Activism
You’ve reached the activism portion of today’s show. Now that you’re informed and angry, here’s what you can do about it. Today’s activism: American Welcomes Syrian Refugees.
So far, the United States has taken in 1,500 Syrian refugees with a promise from the Obama administration to accept another 10,000 next year. We’re a country of over 300 million people and 3.8 million square miles; surely we can do better than that.
While the Republican party would like us to think our country is broke, the federal budget is a matter of priorities and willingness to tax the wealthy. In 2015, we spent $609 billion on the military — which doesn’t include care for veterans; surely some of that would be better spent caring for those displaced by violence and extreme poverty than it would be perpetuating those conditions through acts of war.
The Nation magazine along with are calling for the government to listen to international aid organizations and accept at least 65,000 Syrian refugees over the next year. Germany is taking in 800,000 — a move Oxford Economics says could create an economic boost equivalent to a quarter’s decent growth. The London School of Economics — hardly a bastion of liberal thought — found that immigration in Britain hadn’t increased unemployment or reduced wages. It’s entirely possible that taking in refugees could not only be a moral good, but also have a benefit to our country and economy. Sounds like a win-win.
In their petition — which is on the front page of’s website and the top of’s “Take Action” tab — reminds recipients in Congress and The White House that our invasion of Iraq and decision to funnel weapons into the region along with a failure to find diplomatic solutions have fueled the violence that is now displacing people. We can’t heal the damage we’ve done, but we can accept responsibility and save some lives.
In addition to signing the petition, you can participate in MoveOn’s “America Welcomes” campaign by taking a photo of yourself or a group with a sign welcoming refugees. Photos are posted to and on the #AmericaWelcomes hashtag on Instagram and Twitter. Campaigns like this one not only affect policy, but push national media away from nativism narratives fueled by the right-wing.
SIGN: Urge the U.S. government to accept more Syrian refugees via & The Nation
Add your photo to the #AmericaWelcomes campaign on IG & Twitter through
Sources/further reading:
“Tell the United States to Accept More Refugees and Asylum-Seekers From Syria” via The Nation
"Syrian Refugees: All You Need to Know” via Newsweek
"Turkey Has Spent Nearly $8 Billion Caring For 2.2 Million Syrian Refugees” via Huffington Post
“Syria’s War: Refugee Crisis” — full coverage from AlJazeera America
"Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go” via the National Priorities Project
"Germany's economy will grow faster because of the million refugees it is helping, study finds” via The Independent
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #954 "The angels of our better nature are being tested (#SyrianRefugee Crisis)"
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich
"Move the Money" - Reducing the Pentagon Budget via @VFPNational — Best of the Left Activism
You’ve reached the activism portion of today’s show. Now that you’re informed and angry, here’s what you can do about it. Today’s activism: "Move the Money" - Reducing the Pentagon Budget.
This month, Congress spends a significant amount of time on the military budget for the following year. They debate the National Defense Authorization Act — or NDAA — and lay the groundwork for foreign policy based on how much money can be spent where and on what.
The National Priorities Project explains the NDAA and military budget process is super simple terms at
- The NDAA is an authorization, not an appropriation; it gives the government the authority to spend money and sets policy direction.
- Drafts of the NDAA are not open and transparent.
- The current draft has Congress ignoring its own budget caps, allotting some $90 billion off the books to fund the supposedly over Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
- The NDAA has billions allocated for equipment the military says it doesn’t need or want and protects military contractors.
The NDAA is an authorization, not an appropriation; it gives the government the authority to spend money and sets policy direction. Drafts of the NDAA are not open and transparent. The current draft has Congress ignoring its own budget caps, allotting some $90 billion off the books to fund the supposedly over Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The NDAA has billions allocated for equipment the military says it doesn’t need or want and protects military contractors.
Veterans For Peace is taking this opportunity to lobby Congress and engage those of us who would rather see our money invested in people and peace than war and destruction to let our representatives know we support a shift in policy.
Use to get your representatives’ phone, address, and social media handles and let them know you support the Veterans For Peace priorities listed under the “Legislative Update” section of “Take Action” at
Budget change demands include: moving money from the military to urgent domestic needs like health, education, environment, and infrastructure; closing bases from wars waged in previous generations; reining in profits of Pentagon contractors; and auditing the Pentagon to eliminate waste.
If you’re looking for a way to get more involved with Veterans for Peace, registration is open for their annual convention August 5-9 in San Diego, CA. You can’t miss the tab at
Use to tell your representatives to follow the Veterans For Peach plan to “Move the Money” & “Audit the Pentagon”
Additional Activism/Resources:
Register for the Veterans For Peace 30th Annual Convention, August 5-9
Sources/further reading:
"Praying for Peace While Waging Permanent War?” via CounterPunch<?p>
"National Defense Authorization Act: Five Things You Should Know” via the National Priorities Project
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #931 "From rewriting wars to waging peace (Foreign Policy)"
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich