Oppose the American SAFE Act of 2015 via @TheNation — Best of the Left Activism

You’ve reached the activism portion of today’s show. Now that you’re informed and angry, here’s what you can do about it. Today’s activism: Oppose the American SAFE Act of 2015.

Next episode we’ll dive deeper into the content devoted specifically to the Syrian refugee crisis, but with the urgency of a pending vote, we’re not waiting a week to take action on this dangerous legislation.

A sizable percentage of Congress is so terrified of Isis that they’re attempting to pass legislation to make an already excruciatingly exclusionary process — applying for political asylum — basically impossible. The US has only agreed to take 10,000 of the 4 million Syrian refugees as it is; the American SAFE Act would halt their entry into the country.

France, on the other hand, isn’t turning away the climate summit or the refugees coming to them for help. “Some people say the tragic events of the last few days have sown doubts in their minds,” French President Hollande said, adding that taking people in is a “humanitarian duty.”

TheNation.com has put out a letter reminding Congress of our country’s part in creating the climate that has lead to the current crisis, admonishing the 30 republican governors illegally refusing to take in refugees, and asking Congress to act with humanity. You can add your name through the “Open Letter to Congress: do not cede to fear” link on The Nation’s homepage.

Then, speak out against The American SAFE Act which passed the House 289-137 — a majority that includes 47 democrats.

Look up your senators and representatives using ContactingTheCongress.org where you can get everything from their mailing address to their social media handles. Then use the vote list compiled at HuffPo to let the 46 democrats in The House who voted for the bill know you’re holding them accountable. And tell your Senators to vote NO on The American SAFE Act of 2015 when it comes to the floor.


SIGN & SHARE: "An Open Letter to Congress: Do Not Cede to Fear” via The Nation

Find out how your reps voted: "Here's A List Of The Democrats Who Voted To Shut The Door On Syrian Refugees” via HuffingtonPost & use ContactingTheCongress.org to admonish them for their support & encourage your senators to vote no.

Sources/further reading:

H.R. 4038: American SAFE Act of 2015 via GovTrack.us</>

"After Attacks, France Increases Its Commitment To Refugees” at ThinkProgress

#AmericaWelcomes #SyrianRefugees via @MoveOn & @thenation — Best of the Left Activism via episode #959 "The angels of our better nature are being tested (Syrian Refugee Crisis)”

"Paul Ryan’s Alarmist Syrian-Refugee Move Is Playing With Fire” via The Nation

"An update on our refugee work this week” via MoveOn.org

"Could the government shut down over refugees?” via CNN.com

"8 famous Americans with Syrian roots” — including Jerry Seinfeld, Steve Jobs, & Paula Abdul via NY Daily News

"These Famous People Were Refugees” — including Sigmund Freud, Gloria Estefan, Albert Einstein, Henry Kissenger, & Karl Marx via HuffPost

"Senate Dems vow to block refugee bill”

Hear the segment in context:

Episode #971 "Trouble at the old pharm (Health Care)"

Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich

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