
#1418 The morality test of the COVID age (Vaccine Distribution) (Transcript)

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#1417 Afghanistan, The 20-year War (Transcript)

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#1416 The Disneyfication of Our Past, Present and Future (Transcript)

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#1318 Why We Cannot Have Nice Things (How Racism Hurts Everyone, Including White People) (Transcript)

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#1415 Accountability Not Justice, Continuing the Fight After the Chauvin Trial (Transcript)

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#1414 Go Home and Go Big (Infrastructure Investment, Jobs and Climate Mitigation) (Transcript)

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#1413 Reflection on Insurrection (Police, White Supremacy and their Champions) (Transcript)

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#1412 Trans People as Disposable Chess Pieces in a Despicable Political Game (Transcript)

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#1411 Our Democracy is Filibusted, Time to Kill the Filibuster (Transcript)

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#1410 Anti-Monopoly Activism for a New Era (Transcript)

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