Ban Fracking on Public Lands via @foodandwater — Best of the Left Activism

You’ve reached the activism portion of today’s show. Now that you’re informed and angry, here’s what you can do about it. Today’s activism: Ban Fracking on Public Lands.

While an outright ban on fracking would probably be the best plan for the environment and our drinking water, managing to pass a ban that prohibits the practice on public lands would go a long way toward curbing its effects.

Representative Mark Pocan of Wisconsin reintroduced his bill to do just that last week — on Earth Day, in fact. Food & Water Watch is supporting the "Protect Our Public Lands Act of 2015” to both reduce the impact on the climate and to keep the areas around our national parks and monuments from being destroyed.

According to Food & Water Watch, at the end of 2014 oil and gas companies had leases on over 34 million acres of public land and over 200 million more are being targeted for drilling. Serious damage has already been done; habitat destruction and the potential for damage to parks and monuments is only increasing.

You can visit’s “Take Action” tab to add your name and — as always — use to let your legislators know you support Rep Pocan’s bill, so they should sign on as co-sponsors.

California is especially impacted by the water required to fuel the fracking process. The drought and Governor Brown’s mandatory 25% statewide reduction in water use is getting national attention, but most news outlets are missing the exemptions to agriculture and energy. According to Reuters, California used 70 million gallons of water to frack in 2014. DeSmog Blog reports that the oil industry insists it’s a “responsible user of water.” But if things are dire enough to limit household use, perhaps exemptions aren’t prudent.

Clean Water Action — at — has a petition calling for Governor Brown to impose a moratorium. If you’re a resident of the state, you can sign on to contact him through the link on their home page. And anyone can use the “contact us” links at to let them know what impacts one state effects everyone.


SIGN and share: Ban Fracking on Public Lands! via Food & Water Watch to support Rep Mark Pocan’s legislation

Use to let your legislators know you expect them to support Rep. Mark Pocan's Protect Our Public Lands Act of 2015.

Additional Activism/Resources:

SIGN and share: "Tell Governor Brown: Fracking Moratorium now!” via Clean Water Action

Contact Governor Brown directly: Mail/Phone/Email

Sources/further reading:

"The Urgent Case for a Ban on Fracking” via Food & Water Watch

"Exclusive: California used 70 million gallons of water in fracking in 2014” at Reuters

"How Much Water Does The California Oil Industry Actually Use?” via DeSmog Blog

Hear the segment in context:

Episode #917 "The water wars start at home (Climate) "

Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich

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