#917 The water wars start at home (Climate)

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Today we take a look at water in the US, how we use it and why we’re running out of it

Show Notes

Ch. 1: Opening Theme: A Fond Farewell - From a Basement On the Hill

Ch. 2: Act 1: The consequences of fracking revealed in a simple kitchen test. Holy smokes. - @Upworthy - Air Date: 04-21-15

Ch. 3: Song 1: Bedtime Stories - Chris Reed

Ch. 4: Act 2: Nebraskan Oil & Gas Committee Challenged To A Glass Of “Safe” Fracking Water - @theyoungturks - Air Date: 03-31-15

Ch. 5: Song 2: Can't Get Away - Rodriguez

Ch. 6: Act 3: Ban Fracking on Public Lands via @foodandwater — Best of the Left Activism

Ch. 7: Song 3: Activism - Shihan

Ch. 8: Act 4: After Warmest Winter, Drought-Stricken California Limits Water But Exempts Thirstiest Big Growers - @democracynow - Air Date: 4-2-15

Ch. 9: Song 4: Let's Work Together 'Live' - Canned Heat

Ch. 10: Act 5: Reality bites California - @greennewsreport - Air Date: 4-2-15

Ch. 11: Song 5: Where Have All the Flowers Gone - Tommy Sands, Dolores Keane & Vedran Smailovic

Ch. 12: Act 6: Who Is Sucking Water Out Of California Without A Permit? - @ajplus - Air Date: 04-20-15

Ch. 13: Song 6: Watermark - Enya

Ch. 14: Act 7: Cowspiracy: As California Faces Drought, Film Links Meat Industry to Water Scarcity & Climate Change - @democracynow - Air Date: 4-7-15


Ch. 16: A perspective on Indiana from inside Indiana - Katie in Indianapolis

Ch. 17: I don't exactly disapprove of the riots - Wade from Ft. Worth, TX

Voicemail Music: Loud Pipes - Classics

Ch. 18: Final comments on the launch of my new fundraiser for Climate Hike

Closing Music: Here We Are - Everyone's in Everyone

Activism: Ban Fracking on Public Lands via @foodandwater

Take Action:

SIGN and share: Ban Fracking on Public Lands! via Food & Water Watch to support Rep Mark Pocan’s legislation

Use ContactingTheCongress.org to let your legislators know you expect them to support Rep. Mark Pocan's Protect Our Public Lands Act of 2015.

Additional Activism/Resources:

SIGN and share: "Tell Governor Brown: Fracking Moratorium now!” via Clean Water Action

Contact Governor Brown directly: Mail/Phone/Email

Sources/further reading:

"The Urgent Case for a Ban on Fracking” via Food & Water Watch

"Exclusive: California used 70 million gallons of water in fracking in 2014” at Reuters

"How Much Water Does The California Oil Industry Actually Use?” via DeSmog Blog

Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich

Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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