MIDTERMS MINUTE 2022: Toss Up Senate Races in GA, NV, PA, and WI, and Senate Races (precariously) Leaning D or R
Welcome to the Midterms Minute 2022!
Today’s focus is on toss-up Senate races in Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and the other key Senate races leaning (precariously) Democrat or Republican.
Read moreMIDTERMS MINUTE 2022: Toss Up Races in CA, NY and OH, and Open Races Leaning D or R
Welcome to the Midterms Minute 2022!
Today’s focus is on toss-up House races in California, New York, and Ohio, and open or new seats that are leaning Democrat or Republican.
Everything feels pretty awful right now. It’s okay to feel sad, angry and give yourself a minute to breathe and take in everything that is happening. But then what?
Read moreDemand Democrats Pass Voting Rights and Election Protection Legislation
A lot of people are talking about 2024, but our most urgent tipping point will come much, much sooner...because it’s 2022 and the Midterms are coming.
Read moreTell the Senate to Pass the #EqualityAct to Protect LGBTQ+ Rights, and More
As more Republican state legislatures abuse the law to attack the rights and health of trans people - adults and children alike - it is clear we cannot wait another moment to pass the Equality Act.
Take Action to #StopAsianHate & Protect APPI Communities via @StopAAPIHate
The Stop AAPI Hate reporting center was launched in March of 2020 in response to the escalation in xenophobia and bigotry toward Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their goal is to track and respond to reported incidents of hate, violence, harassment, discrimination, shunning and child bullying.
Fight to Pass the George Floyd Act, BREATHE Act, & Take LOCAL Action!
There are a few things you need to know upfront about the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act: it is not enough, it is not perfect, it will not come close to fixing everything, and it faces a steep uphill battle to get passed by the Senate.
Shut Down Detention Centers: Join the #FirstTen to #CommunitiesNotCages Week of Action, March 22-26 via @DetentionWatch
A cage by any other name….is still a freaking cage. It doesn’t matter what you call it or who is in the White House. America’s archaic and inhumane immigration system began decades ago and today is built on a network of 200 barbaric detention centers across the country managed by money-hungry contractors and ICE - an agency with such a vile history of violence, misogyny, neglect and racism, its very existence should be a crime against humanity.
On November 14th & Beyond, Prepare to Stop a Coup in America via Refuse Fascism & Protect the Results
The first thing I’m going to tell you to do today is go read Naomi Klein’s latest article in The Intercept called “Now We Have To Fight Trump’s Tin-Pot Coup - And Biden’s Worst Instincts.” In the piece, Klein lays out five possible reasons why Republicans are echoing Trump’s baseless election fraud talking points. The last reason she lists is that there could be an actual thought-through plot for a coup. Klein notes that the risk slim, but not nil.
Georgia On Our Minds: Get Involved in Our LAST CHANCE to Flip the Senate
Georgia may go blue - barring a recount - for the first time since the 90s and yet one hard-fought miracle wasn’t enough. Now, because Democrats blew their Senate chances everywhere else, Senate candidates Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock are feeling the weight of the entire country on their shoulders to win not one, but BOTH Georgia senate seats in the January run-off elections.