#1081 Where the Democrats went wrong and how to bring them back

Air Date: 2-21-2017

Today we look at the past failings of the Democratic party over the past several decades that brought us to our current point and then look for ways to turn that ship around.

​Show Notes

Ch. 1: Opening Theme: A Fond Farewell - From a Basement On the Hill

Ch. 2: Act 1: Van Jones Says Clinton Days Are Over, Centrism Has To Stop - @RingOfFireRadio - Air Date: 01-08-17

Ch. 3: Song 1: Wake Me Up - Avicil

Ch. 4: Act 2: Is unity overrated? w/ @onesarahjones - The Zero Hour w: @RJEskow - Air Date 1-28-17

Ch. 5: Song 2: My Conversation - The Uniques

Ch. 6: Act 3: Thomas Frank: Listen Liberal and where the Democratic party went wrong - @Jimmy_Dore Show - Air Date 1-20-17

Ch. 7: Song 3: Betrayal - Wang Chung

Ch. 8: Act 4: There is no anti-capitalist party in the US - Economic Update w: @profwolff - Air Date 2-10-17

Ch. 9: Song 4: Out With the Old - Casa Di Mondo

Ch. 10: Act 5: Keith Ellison: 'We've Got To Reset the Future of the Democratic Party' - Majority Report (@MajorityFM) - Air Date: 12-30-16

Ch. 11: Song 5: Out With the Old - The Sensational Nightingales

Ch. 12: Act 6: Help Elect Keith Ellison as DNC Chair via @DemSpring - Best of the Left Activism

Ch. 13: Song 6: Out With the Old - Korsairs

Ch. 14: Act 7: The Democratic Party Takeover HAS BEGUN - @theyoungturks - Air Date: 01-24-17


Ch. 15: A movement to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment - Amanda from Asheville, NC

Ch. 16: Losing hope from the wave of very dark rhetoric coming from the right - Amanda from Snohomish, WA

Ch. 17: The American privilege of voting for Clinton - John from New York

Voicemail Music: Loud Pipes - Classics

Ch. 18: Final comments on voting with eyes wide open

Closing Music: Here We Are - Everyone's in Everyone



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Keith Ellison for DNC Video on Approach to Voter Turnout (@EllisonCampaign)

Keith Ellison Is Everything Republicans Thought Obama Was. Maybe He's Just What Democrats Need. (Mother Jones)

Why We Support Keith Ellison for DNC Chair (The Nation)

Keith Ellison: How the Democrats Can Win (The Nation)

The Democratic Party Needs Keith Ellison (The Huffington Post Blog)

College Democrats of America President and Vice-President Endorse Keith Ellison for DNC Chair (Press Release)  

Onetime Rival Endorses Ellison for DNC Chair (Common Dreams)

Written by BOTL Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman

Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Showing 7 reactions

  • Scott Smith
    commented 2017-03-01 07:33:20 -0500
    This is the same logic Dore uses. Voting third party or staying home, no matter what it resulted in, would be better for the Democratic party in the long run. And, it’s a terrible argument.
    The most important thing Joseph and Jimmy need to look at is this: What happens to the immigrant, the Muslim, the LGBTQ person, the welfare recipient, the Medicaid and ACA user, the environment, the public lands, the advancement of science..and on and on? Republicans have two of three branches (and soon the third), two-thirds of the state legislatures and governorships and could conceivably have more of lower courts in the next few years. All because people didn’t like Clinton (although more liked her than trump) and wanted to teach the Dems a lesson. Wow, great lesson the Democratic party learned. It’s easy to talk about teaching the party a lesson when you’re a sys-gendered, straight, white male. You’re less likely to be affected by the policies of the administration, the laws passed by Congress and the rulings of the Supreme Court.
    When people talk about how bad Clinton was – they should remember that if only 35,000 (.00025%) votes in threes states are cast the other way, she’s the president now.
  • Jay Tomlinson
    commented 2017-02-26 23:54:47 -0500
    Joseph, regarding voting strategy: you seem to be suffering under the delusion that power in politics is wielded by teaching politicians lessons and expressing the will of voters so that the parties will interpret that will and respond accordingly. For someone who, presumably, understands how broken our system is, it’s surprising that you would have so much faith in Democratic party leaders to think that they would take heed of the protests votes cast for Jill Stein. What have they ever done to make you think they give a shit what Green party voters think? You’re expressing frustration that they learned nothing from this past election and yet you think the solution is: If only more people had voted Green then they would have snapped out of it!

    Talk about weak, faulty analytic logic.

    This is the logic you’re looking for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbuvz7POnVI
  • Joseph King
    commented 2017-02-26 23:51:11 -0500
    wow. just read Karen’s comment below (after posting my own shabbily-articulated comment just moments ago). More, more, more pathetic ostrich head-in-sand morbid DNC-faithful optimism; how deep is this poisoned well? Yes, let’s keep Nancy Pelosi in that leadership role. Under her tenure the Democratic Party has really advanced and matured, and the future looks bright and non-divisive (for them and their clique, anyway); Chuck Schumer …. no reason to change his leadership role — under his tenure the Democratic Party has really advanced and matured, and the future looks bright and non-divisive (for them and their clique, anyway). Good g-d, That Karen comment is another nail in this DNC-built coffin — we the people don’t stand a chance. Pelosi, Shumer, Tillerson, DeVos, — their victory assured with all those Karen-heads buried in the sand. Thank goodness we were spared divisiveness. Whew! close one there!
  • Joseph King
    commented 2017-02-26 23:40:24 -0500
    wow. just read Karen’s comment below (after posting my shabbily articulated comment). More more more pathetic ostrich head-in-sand morbid optimism. Yes, let’s keep Nancy Pelosi in her leadership role - under her tenure the Democratic Party has really advanced and matured, and the future looks bright and non-divisive (for them and their clique, anyway); Chuck Schumer …. no reason to change his leadership role — under his tenure the Democratic Party has really advanced and matured, and the future looks bright and non-divisive (for them and their clique, anyway). Good g-d, That Karen comment is another nail in this DNC-built coffin — we the people dont stand a chance. Pelosi, Shumer, Tillerson, DeVos, — their victory assured with all those Karen-heads buried in the sand. Thank goodness we were spared divisiveness. Whew! close one there!
  • Joseph King
    commented 2017-02-26 23:20:31 -0500
    I think Jay’s final comments following listener calls (regarding the real ultimate importance of one’s voting choice i believe he offers very commonsensical analysis and perspective; regarding his rationalizing the justification for the progressive vote for Clinton as the sound strategic solution to careful, intelligent analysis (i.e., the lesser of 2 evils tale) — is, plain and simple, utterly flawed by profoundly weak, faulty analytic logic. To be brief: if, as Jay says, the point of one’s choice is to assign your vote in the way that adds the least harm to this world, then there is no sound basis for a Clinton vote. Though Jay says that one’s vote for Clinton does not represent that voter’s ‘endorsement’ of Clinton, — this is completely irrelevant to the ‘point’ of voting choice, — why? Because, the big picture importance of a vote for Clinton is that the DEMOCRATIC PARTY establishment WILL NONETHELESS perceive every such vote as an endorsement of their leadership, direction, etc. The result of this? That the worst trajectory of the Democratic Party becomes more deeply entrenched with every vote cast for its candidate. AND, much more dangerous than a Trump administration for this election cycle is a DNC that is totally and permanently turned against people, a DNC that will never again function as opposition to elite oligarchy. Every vote that went to Stein registered as wakeup call to the Democratic leadership that they are on the wrong track. … in the end of course, there were not enough such votes for the DNC ostriches to take note of the wakeup call. None of it seemed to matter anyway, as the Democratic leadership has proven in these post-election months, that they’ve learned NOTHING from this experience — and have recommitted the party to ‘stay the course’ on the way to dissolution as the party of the people, as real philosophical opposition to the Republican party principles and deeds.
  • Jay Tomlinson
    commented 2017-02-24 00:20:39 -0500
    I’m not sure which segments you had a problem with, maybe all of them. The funny thing is that this is what I came up with when I took out all of the commentary that I thought was unnecessarily divisive.

    My thought on this episode is that if you found it divisive then you’re probably not angry enough at the Democratic party for how thoroughly they failed the country and the world it it’s time of need.

    Regarding divisiveness, Jimmy Dore, featured in this episode interviewing Thomas Frank, doesn’t shy away from being divisive and I ended up cutting bits of that interview out because I thought to myself: “Hey, there are important issues that need to be discussed but we don’t need to distract from them by resorting to this.” And if I were to bring that up to Jimmy then it’s very likely his reaction would be that if I found his comments divisive then it’s only because I’m not angry enough at the Democratic party for how they failed the country and the world in it’s time of need.

    So, why don’t we just skip past the debate over EXACTLY how angry we’re supposed to be at the situation we find ourselves in and discuss the issues at hand.
  • karen Jarman
    commented 2017-02-23 23:18:03 -0500
    Normally I love your podcasts. This one; however, was divisive and whiny. There are important issues out there to discuss without resorting to this.
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