#1677 Dems Can't Have Their Billionaires and Beat Them Too: The politics of anti-elitism
Air Date: 12-17-2024
Changing the direction of a political party doesn't happen overnight and it usually takes a major disrupting event to shake it out of its well-wore groove. The loss of the Harris campaign to Trump and the evident desperation people have for a new economics that works for people might finally be enough to put Democrats on track to a more full-throated support of economic populism.
Read more#1675 Fighting Nihilism to Organize For Freedom Against Fascism
Air Date: 12-10-2024
In a moment of darkness, it's important to not only look for light but also understand how to create your own. Today we're exploring the philosophy of Tragic Optimism, the differing frameworks of freedom-from and freedom-to, and the slow progress of democracy but also the organizing strategies that are themselves the best coping mechanisms and path to progress.
Read more#1621 How Democrats Lost Their Way On Economics And Are Starting To Find It Again
Air Date: 4-9-2024
The neoliberal legacy of the New Democrats continues to loom large but it really does seem like the progressive wing of the party and the broader demand for populist economic policies has had an impact. Now people just need to know that it's happening.
Read more#1209 Being part of the solution (How to argue your values)
#1569 Winning Progressive Policies with Better Messaging
Air Date: 7–4-2023
Today, we take a look at the difference between the kind of political messaging that feels like the right thing to say and the reframed messages that actually get political results that allow for progressive policies to get passed.
Read more#1530 The Pillars of Polarization and Persuasion
Air Date: 12–6-2022
Today, we take a look at some of the factors driving hyper-partisanship in the US right now along with multiple arguments to not give up on the power of persuasion.
Read more#1436 The Long Legacy of Making Deals with the Devil (Bipartisanship) (Repost)
Original Air Date: 8–21-2021
Today we take a look at the history of bipartisanship and appeasement in the US dating back to before the Civil War and tracking it all the way up to the current negotiations over the infrastructure bill.
Read more#1500 America, A Beginner's Guide
Air Date: 7–4-2022
Today, for this milestone episode, I attempted to squeeze in as many clever and interesting ideas as I could and ended up writing a starter guide to understand the United States. Plus, there are jingles!
Read more#1494 Progressives and the Primaries
Air Date: 6–8-2022
Today we take a look at progressive victories in primary elections around the country and explain why moderates are not much more than allies of conservatism.
Read more#1436 The Long Legacy of Making Deals with the Devil (Bipartisanship)
Air Date: 8–21-2021
Today we take a look at the history of bipartisanship and appeasement in the US dating back to before the Civil War and tracking it all the way up to the current negotiations over the infrastructure bill.
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