Exemption-Free Employment Non-Discrimination Act

While 80% of Americans — including 70% of Republicans — support LGBT workplace protections, less than half the states prohibit discrimination based on gender ID and/or sexual orientation. According to Americans for Workplace Opportunity, more than 40 % of lesbian, gay and bisexual Americans and more than 90% of transgender Americans have experienced discrimination on the job.

The Senate — remarkably — passed ENDA 64 to 32, but exemptions for conservative religious groups were introduced into the bipartisan House companion bill this summer on the heels on the Hobby Lobby decision. As he seems to be doing on an increasingly frequent basis, President Obama stepped in with an executive order that imposes ENDA-esque requirements on federal contractors with NO religious exemptions. This will impact approximately 24,000 companies with 28 million employees — or around one-fifth of US workers.

This development should place pressure on the 113th Congress with the end of the session in site. Visit WorkplaceOpportunity.Org to support the push for an exemption-free ENDA. At the “about” tab, you can find out where your reps stand and then use ContactingTheCongress.org to email, call, write and tweet your position on full non-discrimination.

It’s fantastic that people who want to be married are able to legally do so in more states all the time. But when the people in that marriage — or those who choose not to get married — can be fired at-will, it should be clear that we have a lot more to accomplish. Representatives are at home this month — ostensibly to hear from YOU, the constituent. Take this opportunity to voice your position and remind them equality is an issue you vote on.


Join with Americans For Workplace Opportunity

Follow/support the Americans For Workplace Opportunity coalition members listed HERE

Contact your representatives via email, phone, social media

Sources/further reading:

"Billionaires push Republicans on gay rights bill” via Politico

"ACLU, Lambda Legal Drop Support for ENDA" via John Becker at The Bilerico Project

"Obama signs edict banning discrimination against federal LGBT employees” via AlJazeera America


Hear the segment in context:

#854 Would-be oppressors with a victim mentality (LGBTQ Rights)


Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich

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