Bernie Sanders draws the connection between identity and class - The Benjamin Dixon Show (@TheBpDShow)

Air Date 11-21-16

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Hear the clip in context; listen to the full episode: The divide at the heart of progressive politics

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  • Jamie Tyroler
    commented 2016-12-31 14:31:48 -0500
    Lately, I’m only been occasionally listening to The Best of the Left podcasts because of a combination of too many podcasts that I want to listen to and medications that make me want to sleep a lot, so I wasn’t familiar with Benjamin Dixon, but I’m very glad that I started to listen to this episode, because I’m very impressed with Mr. Dixon’s commentary. This is probably the best explanation of “identity” politics as it’s being practiced and why it’s not exactly working. If it did, Hillary Clinton would have received a majority of votes from white women and, we know how that turned out.
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