If concern for your health isn't usually enough to keep you away from Wendy's then maybe their labor rights abuses are. Right now, there is a farmworker union-led national boycott of the fast food giant and these activists need your support.
It turns out Wendy’s is not one of 14 corporate retailers in what is called the “Fair Food Program.” According to the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (or CIW) leading the boycott, the Fair Food Program (which they created) is a “unique partnership” between farmworkers, farmers and companies like McDonalds, Taco Bell and Walmart that exists to root out abuse and sexual harassment in agricultural fields from coast to coast.
But not only has Wendy’s not joined, they…well, they are kind of being dicks about it.
First, they started getting their tomatoes from Mexico to circumvent Fair Foods and avoid scrutiny from US regulators. That means they are now supporting farms where workers confront wage theft, sexual harassment, poor living conditions, child labor and even slavery without any protections.
Then, adding insult to injury, Wendy’s recently published a “Code of Conduct” for suppliers that leaves out the two major components of the Fair Food Program: worker participation and verifiable enforcement mechanisms for standards. So, it basically amounts to just a bunch of empty, vague promises.
You can support this boycott by, you guessed it, not eating at Wendy’s until they join the Fair Food Program…and by visiting allianceforfairfood.org to learn more and sign the Wendy’s Boycott pledge. And of course, you can spread the word via social media using the hashtag #BoycottWendys.
While you’re at it, consider making worker’s rights and protections part of your theory of change by getting involved in the long term with organizations like Alliance for Fair Food, Farmworker Justice, Fight for 15, Jobs with Justice, Good Jobs Nation and other organizations fighting for worker justice for all.
So if supporting the efforts of labor unions and all agricultural workers is important to you, then be sure to hit the share buttons to spread the word about boycotting Wendy’s until they join the Fair Food Program via social media so that others in your network can take action too.
TOUR REPORTS: @Wendys Boycott on the rise across Southeast, Midwest… #BoycottWendys https://t.co/IDCXbogIl6 pic.twitter.com/lnOdnYisdU
— CIW (@ciw) October 10, 2016
Learn more about the reasons for the boycott at allianceforfairfood.org
Sign the pledge to boycott Wendy's
Attend a "Behind the Braids: Wendy's Boycott Tour" event near you
Spread the word on social media via #BoycottWendys
There is a Nationwide Boycott of Wendy's Underway (via The Nation)
Students Declare Nationwide Boycott of Wendy's Over Farmworker Concerns (via The American Prospect)
Dear Wendy's: I'm boycotting you, but I'm not the one you should be worried about (via Common Dreams)
Written by Best of the Left Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman.
Hear the activism segment in the context of Best of the Left Edition #1050: "Unions or not, we are still all in this together"