#1217 The monopoly that ate our economy ​

Air Date: 10–9-2018
Today we take a look at the monopolistic practices of Amazon with a focus on their effects on labor and wages in America

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Ch. 1: Stacy Mitchell on why it’s time to break up Amazon - Start Making Sense from @TheNation - Air Date 2-21-18

Amazon is a radically new kind of monopoly that seeks to control all of online commerce. Stacy Mitchell says it’s time for anti-trust action to separate the Amazon Marketplace from Amazon’s own retail operations.

Ch. 2: How Amazon Drives Down Wages - Senator Bernie Sanders - Air Date 9-19-18

A video from the Bernie Sanders YouTube channel explaining how Amazon drives down wages

Ch. 3: Monopoly, Monopsony and highly concentrated labor markets - Building Local Power - Air Date 3-22-18

Stacy Mitchell interviews the Roosevelt Institute’s Marshall Steinbaum about why American wages aren’t rising while our economy goes through a strong “recovery.”

Ch. 4: Exposed: Undercover Reporter at Amazon Warehouse Found Abusive Conditions & No Bathroom Breaks - Democracy Now! - Air Date 9-5-18

Journalist James Bloodworth, who spent a month working undercover as a “picker” in an Amazon order fulfillment center and found workers were urinating in bottles because they were discouraged from taking bathroom breaks.

Ch. 5: Striking Amazon warehouse workers - Belabored (@DissentMag) - Air Date 7-27-18

On Amazon Prime Day warehouse workers around the world took action against the company.

Ch. 6: Amazon Is Hurting Small Businesses -Senator Bernie Sanders - Air Date 9-26-18

Listen to this small business owner who sees firsthand the effect of Amazon's power over our economy. We should all be concerned about Jeff Bezos' greed.

Ch. 7: Neil DeMause on Amazon - CounterSpin (@FAIRmediawatch) - Air Date 10-4-18

Where do we have the conversation about the impact of Amazon‘s size, its influence and its values, on community?



Ch. 8: Pushing the needle on universal health care - Zach from Atlanta


Ch. 9: Final comments on why Joe Manchin can help progressives even while being a terrible Democrat



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Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 




Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Showing 1 reaction

  • Gayna Hoffman
    commented 2018-10-09 17:31:34 -0400
    I learned a lot about Amazon in this segment. You hear mostly all the big pluses about Amazon and Bezos in the media. The record profit, the food delivery, cities and towns around the country vying for an Amazon center in their area, big raise for the workers, etc. but, the impact on smaller businesses and the workers is a very different kind of story. Thanks for doing this piece. *Oh, and I really like the music you chose. Very calming after hearing the sometimes alarming information! G.H.
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