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Amazon is a radically new kind of monopoly that seeks to control all of online commerce. Stacy Mitchell says it’s time for anti-trust action to separate the Amazon Marketplace from Amazon’s own retail operations.
Ch. 2: How Amazon Drives Down Wages - Senator Bernie Sanders - Air Date 9-19-18
A video from the Bernie Sanders YouTube channel explaining how Amazon drives down wages
Ch. 3: Monopoly, Monopsony and highly concentrated labor markets - Building Local Power - Air Date 3-22-18
Stacy Mitchell interviews the Roosevelt Institute’s Marshall Steinbaum about why American wages aren’t rising while our economy goes through a strong “recovery.”
Journalist James Bloodworth, who spent a month working undercover as a “picker” in an Amazon order fulfillment center and found workers were urinating in bottles because they were discouraged from taking bathroom breaks.
Ch. 5: Striking Amazon warehouse workers - Belabored (@DissentMag) - Air Date 7-27-18
On Amazon Prime Day warehouse workers around the world took action against the company.
Ch. 6: Amazon Is Hurting Small Businesses -Senator Bernie Sanders - Air Date 9-26-18
Listen to this small business owner who sees firsthand the effect of Amazon's power over our economy. We should all be concerned about Jeff Bezos' greed.
Ch. 7: Neil DeMause on Amazon - CounterSpin (@FAIRmediawatch) - Air Date 10-4-18
Where do we have the conversation about the impact of Amazon‘s size, its influence and its values, on community?
Ch. 8: Pushing the needle on universal health care - Zach from Atlanta
Ch. 9: Final comments on why Joe Manchin can help progressives even while being a terrible Democrat
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Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman
- Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr
- Parade Shoes - Arc and Crecent (Blue Dot Sessions)
- Felt Lining - The Cabinetmaker (Blue Dot Sessions)
- Cicle Veroni - Cicle Kadde (Blue Dot Sessions)
- Begrudge - Darby (Blue Dot Sessions)
- Long and Low Cloud - The Bulwark (Blue Dot Sessions)
- Dirtbike Lovers - Desert Orchard (Blue Dot Sessions)
- Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
- Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson
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