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Ch. 1: Jeff Cohen on Cable News Hawks - CounterSpin (@FAIRmediawatch) - Air Date 3-30-18
As the US government ramped up for war in the wake of September 11, 2001, TV screens were filled with what seemed a parade of generals. Military men became the sources of first resort, over and indeed against regional experts, historians and peace advocates.
Laura Flanders discusses the consolidation of media companies and its impact on our democracy including the scale of the big problem with gatekeepers like Facebook and Google and media companies like Sinclair as an “extractive machine.”
*Scroll down for the segment info, dates and links. Or click above for the full blog post.*
Author Sarah Kendzior (“The View from Flyover Country”) talks about how the media continues to enable Donald Trump, and how they/we can more effectively confront the Trump “kleptocracy.”
Ch. 5: Marc Cooper on media and democracy - Jacobin Radio (@jacobinmag) - Air Date 12-19-17
Journalist Marc Cooper looks at media delivery in the present digital era of democratized information that has introduced new potential as well as new dangers.
Ch. 6: Laura Flanders on building the next system of media - @TheNextSystem Project - Air Date 10-18-17
Laura Flanders discusses her latest paper for the Next System Project on the “urgent necessity” of Next System Media including criticisms of for-profit media and some suggested alternatives.
Ch. 7: What the math on the cost of health insurance for insurance companies? - Kyle from Portland
Ch. 8: Final comments on private health insurance vs government-run insurance and the perverse incentive for private insurers to want medical costs to go ever-higher
Check on candidates endorsed by Justice Democrats | Brand New Congress | DSA | Latino Victory | Our Revolution
Check your state registration deadlines and voter ID laws with rockthevote.org
For an easy way to donate to candidates, check out DownTicket.com on your mobile browser.
August 11th Primary:
Hawaii (Reg. Deadlines - Primaries: Online: July 12th, In person: Until August 11th / General: Oct. 9th)
U.S. House - 1st District: Kaniela Ing
U.S. House - 2nd District: Tulsi Gabbard (Incumbent)
August 14th Primaries:
Minnesota (Reg. Deadlines - Primaries: Online: July 24th, In person: Until August 14th / General: Oct. 9th)
U.S. House - 5th District: Ilhan Omar
U.S. House - 8th District: Michelle Lee
U.S. Senate (Dem. Primary for Nov. Special Election) - Tina Smith
Governor (Dem. Primary) - Erin Murphy
Due to time, the following states will be featured in depth on a future episode:
Wisconsin (Reg. Deadlines - Primaries: Post-marked by July 25th, In person Aug. 10th / General: Post-marked by Oct 17th, In-person: Nov. 2nd)
Connecticut (Reg. Deadlines - Primaries: Online & mail-in: Received by Aug. 9th / General: Oct. 30th)
Vermont (Reg. Deadlines - Primaries: Aug. 14th / General: Nov. 6th)
Correction: South Dakota was originally listed in the segment, but 8/14 is actually the runoff date. There will not be runoffs.
Researched & Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman
- Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr
Vibrant Canopy - Origami (Blue Dot Sessions)
The Rampart - Castle Danger (Blue Dot Sessions)
Inessential - Bayou Birds (Blue Dot Sessions)
Surly Bonds - Aeronaut (Blue Dot Sessions)
Loopy - The Balloonist (Blue Dot Sessions)
- Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
- Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson
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