Air Date: 5-30-2017
Show Notes
Ch. 1: Opening Theme: A Fond Farewell - From a Basement On the Hill
Ch. 2: Act 1: Bob Inglis Changing the dialogue on energy and climate Part 1 - TEDxJacksonville - Air Date 12-10-13
Ch. 3: Song 1: Free Enterprise - Dexter Jones' Circus Orchestra
Ch. 4: Act 2: Ted Halstead: A climate solution where all sides can win – @TEDTalks - Air Date 5-17-17
Ch. 5: Song 2: Man With a Plan - The Button Men
Ch. 6: Act 3: Bob Inglis Changing the dialogue on energy and climate Part 2 - TEDxJacksonville - Air Date 12-10-13
Ch. 7: Song 3: The Compromise - The Format
Ch. 8: Act 4: Mitch Hescox on Why We're Not as Divided as You Think: Quiet Cooperation on Climate - Immense Possibilities on NETA
Ch. 9: Song 4: Sweet Lullaby - Deep Forest
Ch. 10: Act 5: D@W Field Report Climate March - Economic Update w: @profwolff - Air Date 5-18-17
Ch. 11: Song 5: Adventure, Darling - Gillicuddy
Ch. 12: Act 6: Bob Inglis on Why We're Not as Divided as You Think: Quiet Cooperation on Climate - Immense Possibilities on NETA
Ch. 13: Final comments on the artificial left/right divide on climate change policy
Ch. 14: Bonus Clip: Cap & Dividend Explained - Chesapeake Climate Action Network - Air Date 4-9-09
Closing Music: Here We Are - Everyone's in Everyone
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- Are they free-market obsessed? Share the organization
- Are they religious/Evangelical? Share the organization Evangelical Environmental Network
- Are they on board with Carbon Fee & Dividend? Share the Citizens Climate Lobby and get involved too! Find a chapter near you.
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An Evangelical Movement Takes on Climate Change (Newsweek, 2016)
Conservatives Plan for a Carbon Tax (The New York Times)
Citizens Climate Lobby pushes for a carbon tax and dividend (The Guardian, 2013)
7 Reasons Conservatives Should Support Climate Change Solutions (Huffington Post)
New economic study shows carbon tax refunded to households would create jobs (Citizens Climate Lobby, 2014)
Written by BOTL Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson
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Showing 2 reactions
CEO Pay – There is a market inefficiency that causes CEO pay to be higher than a true free market would allow. CEO’s are supposed to work for the shareholders, but shareholders can’t even vote up or down on executive pay. Instead, chummy board rooms give each other raises. It’s as if there’s a union that sets their own salary. Charge a ‘market correction fee’ instead of a tax, and use it to fund a basic income grant instead of a social program.
Fight for 15 – Walmart is able to pay sub-market wages due to the existence of a social safety net. Underpaid employees require lots of social services, so basically Walmart is able to shift costs for their workforce onto the government. Again, instead of tax and spend, it’s fee and dividend.
Healthcare – The entire industry is filled with market failures. Drug monopolies, opaque pricing, all those reasons healthcare costs keep going up. Put a ‘fee’ on the healthcare system and use it to purchase health insurance for everyone. There’s a podcast out there from either CATO or EconTalks (apologies I don’t have the cite) arguing for governments just buying insurance policies for everyone, which sounds a lot like universal healthcare.
The banking industry, military industrial complex, racism/sexism/homophobia (market failure here is that in a free market, companies would hire women and minorities because they are cheaper until that is no longer the case). Pretty soon conservatives start sounding like Elizabeth Warren. The point is, any time someone gets rich, there is a market failure that allows it to happen. While a liberal would say ‘behind every great fortune is a great crime’, a conservative would say ‘efficient markets would erode any rent seeking opportunities until goods are produced at the long run average total cost to produce them’.
Somewhere along the line, ‘free market’ became synonymous with ‘no government’, but any honest economist will tell you that is absolutely not the case. It takes a lot of work to keep markets free. And lately both parties have been doing a really lousy job of this.