Air Date: 08-30-2016
Today we look in detail at the overdue concept of worker owned and operated enterprises and what they can do to help improve the lives of people who work for a living
Show Notes
Ch. 1: Opening Theme: A Fond Farewell - From a Basement On the Hill
Ch. 3: Song 1: We Demand Change - Tristan James
Ch. 4: Act 2: Dispelling some myths about worker coops - Economic Update w: @profwolff - Air Date 6-12-16
Ch. 5: Song 2: Banking on a Myth - Andrew Bird
Ch. 6: Act 3: Defying the Crisis - The Spanish Collective Mondragan - Air Date 1-25-12
Ch. 7: Song 3: Look To The Future - Birthrite
Ch. 8: Act 4: Julia Hutchins: How cooperative businesses can answer tough business challenges - TEDxMileHigh - Air Date 12-16-13
Ch. 9: Song 4: Cooperation - Jim Valley
Ch. 10: Act 5: The Promise and Limitations of Worker Co-ops -- Gar Alperovitz - Workplace Democracy - Air Date 9-15-14
Ch. 11: Song 5: Interesting Times - Akira the Don
Ch. 12: Act 6: The UK Labor party taking the lead on worker coops - Economic Update w: @profwolff - Air Date 5-9-16
Ch. 13: Song 6: Capitalism Is Tearing Us Apart - sole
Ch. 14: Act 7: Join a Local Democracy @ Work Action Group via @Democracyatwrk - Best of the Left Activism
Ch. 15: Song 7: Time for Action - Secret Affair
Ch. 16: Act 8: Some barriers that prevent the creation of worker coops - @theLFshow w: @GRITlaura Flanders - Air Date 2-23-16
Ch. 17: Voting in safe states - Steven from Brooklyn
Ch. 18: Thoughts on "Safe States" - Darice from Washington, DC
Voicemail Music: Loud Pipes - Classics
Ch. 19: Final comments on the end of our summer fundraiser
Closing Music: Here We Are - Everyone's in Everyone
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Economic Update Podcast
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Amanda Hoffman
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson
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