#1599 Taming the Beast: AI Regulation Before Human Relegation

Air Date: 12-20-2023

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AI needs to be regulated by governments even though politicians don't understand computers just as the government regulates the manufacture and operation of aircraft even though your average politician doesn't know their ass from an aileron. That's why expert advisory panels are for.

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Ch. 1: How are governments approaching AI regulation - In Focus by The Hindu - Air Date 11-16-23

Dr Matti Pohjonen speaks to us about the concerns revolving around AI governance, and if there are any fundamental principles that an AI regulatory regime needs to address.

Ch. 2: A First Step Toward AI Regulation with Tom Wheeler - Your Undivided Attention - Air Date 11-2-23

President Biden released a sweeping executive order that addresses many risks of artificial intelligence. Tom Wheeler, former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, shares his insights on the order and what's next for AI regulation.

Ch. 3: Artificial Intelligence Godfathers Call for Regulation as Rights Groups Warn AI Encodes Oppression - Democracy Now! - Air Date 6-1-23

We host a roundtable discussion with three experts in artificial intelligence on growing concerns over the technology’s potential dangers: Yoshua Bengio, Max Tegmark, and Tawana Petty.

Ch. 4: The EU agrees on AI regulations - What will it mean for people and businesses in the EU - DW News - Air Date 12-9-23

European Union member states and lawmakers reached a preliminary agreement on what they touted as the world's first comprehensive AI legislation on Friday.

Ch. 5: EU vs. AI - Today, Explained - Air Date 12-18-23

The EU has advanced first-of-its-kind AI regulation. The Verge’s Jess Weatherbed tells us whether it will make a difference, and Columbia University’s Anu Bradford explains the Brussels effect.

Ch. 6: A First Step Toward AI Regulation with Tom Wheeler Part 2 - Your Undivided Attention - Air Date 11-2-23

Ch. 7: How to Keep AI Under Control | Max Tegmark - TEDTalks - Air Date 11-2-23

Scientist Max Tegmark describes an optimistic vision for how we can keep AI under control and ensure it's working for us, not the other way around.


Ch. 8: Anti-Democratic Tech Firm’s Secret Push For A.I. Deregulation w Lori Wallach - Thom Hartmann Program - Air Date 8-8-23

Giant tech firms are meeting secretly to deregulate Artificial Intelligence technologies in the most undemocratic ways possible. Can profit really take over and corrupt progress?

Ch. 9: How are governments approaching AI regulation Part 2 - In Focus by The Hindu - Air Date 11-16-23


Ch. 10: Final comments on the need to understand the benefits and downsides of new technology

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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  • Jay Tomlinson
    published this page in Episodes 2023-12-20 15:27:16 -0500
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