MIDTERMS_MINUTE_IMAGE_FINAL.pngThis is our final installment of The Midterms Minute. We hope you’ve found value in these segments, even if hearing/reading them simply kept the 2018 Midterms at the top of your mind for the last four months.

There are just a few more days to go before the election. You may be thinking that there isn’t much you can do at this point to make a difference, but…you’d be wrong. There’s still plenty of time to donate, phone bank, volunteer, and talk to your friends and family about voting and getting engaged. Check out our previous segment for a list of “4 things you can do to make a difference” and links to resources.

This week, the DCCC announced it’s 6 “red alert” House races that need a big final show of support to finish strong. Four of these races are currently rated as toss ups by Cook Political Report.

FL-15: Kristen Carlson is running in Florida’s 15th district,which encompasses two incredibly expensive media markets. This race is down to a 1-point, toss up race.

IL-06: Sean Casten is running in Illinois’ 6th district and is tied in a head-to-head contest despite a $2 million dollar effort by Paul Ryan’s Super PAC and even more from the Koch brothers to drag him down.

IL-12: Brendan Kelly is running in Illinois’ 12th district, which is a traditional swing district where Obama and Tammy Duckworth both won, but the race is leaning Republican at the moment.

NJ-03: Andy Kim is running in New Jersey’s 3rd district against the wealthiest member of the New Jersey delegation who is injecting massive personal money into his campaign to try to win this toss up race.

TX-07: Lizzie Pannill Fletcher is running in Texas’ 7th district,where the NRCC and Paul Ryan’s Super PAC have already spent over $1 million for her opponent in the one of the top ten most expensive media markets in the country. This is a toss up race.

TX-32: Colin Allred is running in Texas’ 32nd district,where more Republican money has been spent than almost every other House race this year. It’s still a toss up.

You can donate or learn other ways to help these candidates by going to Red to Blue dot DCCC dot org. Of course, information for ALL of the battleground races and ways to get involved can be found at The Midterms Minute H.Q..

And to close out our last Midterms Minute of 2018, we’re leaving you with a passage from progressive pastor John Pavlovitz’ article entitled “You Can’t Change Hatred—But You Can Outvote It.

“If their consciences and compassion and reason have not been accessed and unearthed by now, I’m concerned those things will never be forthcoming.

And since these people will not be moved, the rest of us need to move together.

Democrat, Republican, and Independent, the deeply devout and the passionately irreligious, people of every pigmentation and persuasion—we need to move in concert, to affirm our shared regard for one another, and to vote to restore balance in something we all love that is teetering wildly.

This isn’t a battle to change the minds of the few who refuse to be changed. That horse is dead.

It also isn’t a test to see if we can manufacture the same hatred and vitriol for them as they dispense toward us.

This is a golden moment for the vast, sprawling army of good people who believe in the beauty of diversity and in a fully accessible America to speak unequivocally—on our social media profiles, at family gatherings, in our church meetings—and most of all, in the voting booth.

We don’t need to convince or coddle or win over hatred, and we don’t need to outdo it either.

We need to outnumber it.
We need to outlast it.
We need to outlove it.
We need to outvote it.”




All Battleground Info/Resources: THE MIDTERMS MINUTE H.Q.


FL-15: Kristen Carlson 

IL-06: Sean Casten

IL-12: Brendan Kelly 

NJ-03: Andy Kim 

TX-07: Lizzie Pannill Fletcher

TX-32: Colin Allred 


1. Donate

House: DCCC Red to Blue Program


Toss ups/Battlegrounds: The Midterms Minute H.Q.

2. Virtual Phone Banking

Indivisible Phone Banking (Sen/House/Gov)

Swing Left Phone Banking (House)

Resources for newbies / Hosting a Phone Bank Night

3. Volunteer to GOTV

National Indivisible Chapters Events List

DNC State Parties

Candidates websites: Visit The Midterms Minute H.Q.

4. Talk to Friends & Family (and text people)

Talk, invite them to volunteer with you, etc.

Use OutVote to text friends and encourage them to vote

Passage: "You Can't Change Hate, But You Can Outvote It" (By John Pavlovitz)


Posted November 2, 2018; Researched & Written by Best of the Left Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman

Hear the segment in the context of Best of the Left Edition #1224: Fixing the underlying mechanism of our democracy (Election Integrity)

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