With more than 950 organizations around the world signed on, the upcoming People’s Climate March is a true collaborative effort. There are the expected sponsors — 350.org, the SEIU, fossil fuel opposition orgs, Move to Amend — and also local and minority-lead social justice groups like: Alaska Wilderness League, All-African People’s Revolutionary Party, Reform Temple of Forest Hills, The Rabbinical Assembly and more. Basically, if you’re human and you care about a thing, you are represented among the groups backing the People’s Climate March.
The UN Summit has an ambitious goal of its own — one we should be supporting. Yes, there are plenty of issues to take with the United Nations, but as with any governing body, when they aim to achieve vital objectives such as "a global agreement to dramatically reduce global warming pollution” we must be visibly behind the effort.
While you’re gearing up for the march, check out the trailer for “Disruption: Climate Change” which is scheduled for screenings on September 7th. Through exploration and interviews with people like Naomi Klein, Chris Hayes, Van Jones and more, the filmmakers seek to answer the question: "When it comes to climate change, why do we do so little when we know so much?”
Then, on September 21st, follow the hashtag “People’s Climate.” If you can join the march, be sure to tag Best of the Left on social media and help us help you amplify what could be the largest action on behalf of an inhabitable climate in history.
Join the People’s Climate March via @Peoples_Climate
People’s Climate March on Facebook
Additional Activism/Resources:
People’s Climate Resources — in 12 languages
Watch the trailer for: ”Disruption: Climate Change”
Sources/further reading:
United Nation’s Climate Summit
"A Call to Arms: An Invitation to Demand Action on Climate Change” by Bill McKibben at Rolling Stone
"Mobilization for People’s Climate March Kicks into High Gear” via Raging Chicken Press
"People’s Climate March—Largest Climate March in World History—Launched in Times Square” via EcoWatch
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #857 "People standing as one (Global Warming)"
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich