You should make sure you're sitting down....Ready?
The Senate did a thing. If that isn’t shocking enough on its own, the thing the Senate did was vote 79 to 18 in favor of advancing a Constitutional amendment that would overturn Citizens United. Technically, this vote just brings the debate on campaign finance reform and restoring the notion of representative democracy to the floor. But the democrats, lead by Senator Tom Udall of New Mexico, are pushing for action right now specifically to make it a campaign issue for the midterm elections that are right around the corner.
Frankly, if the Congress isn’t going to pass any laws in the two weeks left until the end of the term, then I’m all for as much public debate on overturning Citizens United as we can get leading up to November 4th.
So, let’s do what we can to keep the momentum building. Use the link in the show notes to find out how your senators voted, then call, email, write, and tweet to let them know that overturning Citizens United and reigning in campaign spending is an issue you’ll be voting on in just a few weeks. If they voted in favor of the measure, say thank you; you’ll be watching for their leadership on this going forward. If they voted against, encourage them to reconsider as their job depends on a change of heart.
Then give your representatives in the House a call. Every single one of them is up for reelection. Tell them you expect them to match the action in the Senate and introduce, co-sponsor or support companion legislation.
"Constitutional Amendment to Overturn Citizens United Clears First Vote in U.S. Senate!” via Americans Against The Tea Party
The bill to overturn Citizens United introduced by Senator Tom Udall, D-NM
Follow-up/new Action!
Use to let your representatives know that overturning Citizens United is an issue you are voting on this November.
Sources/additional glimmers of hope:
"Senate Advances Constitutional Fix To Overturn Citizens United” by Sahil Kapur at Talking Points Memo
"Senate moves forward with amendment to the Constitution on elections” by Ramsey Cox at The Hill
"Overturn Citizens United” — a Statement in Support of a Constitutional Amendment from Senator Bernie Sanders
Graphic via USA Action
Hear the segment in context:
Episode #859: "Momentum on our biggest problem (Money in politics)"
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich