I (insert name)
Am not personally responsible
For racism, classism, sexism, homophobia,
or any other vast for of group based discrimination
Even though I very likely benefit from it
Therefore I should not feel guilty
I might feel sadness, empathy, outrage,
but guilt won’t change anything for the better
And besides, it only focuses on me
I did not choose the body, sexual orientation, race, or class position
into how I came into this world
What I can choose is how I want to behave
And whether or not I want to meaningfully contribute
To creating a just society in light of all I’m learning
I can determine how I want to live in this world
And what type of alliances I want to make
So what I do from this day forward defines who I am
And for that, I’m responsible
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Am not personally responsible
For racism, classism, sexism, homophobia,
or any other vast for of group based discrimination
Even though I very likely benefit from it
Therefore I should not feel guilty
I might feel sadness, empathy, outrage,
but guilt won’t change anything for the better
And besides, it only focuses on me
I did not choose the body, sexual orientation, race, or class position
into how I came into this world
What I can choose is how I want to behave
And whether or not I want to meaningfully contribute
To creating a just society in light of all I’m learning
I can determine how I want to live in this world
And what type of alliances I want to make
So what I do from this day forward defines who I am
And for that, I’m responsible