BOTL segment excerpt:
2,200 people are held in a tiny cell for 23 hours hours each day, with no access to commissary or phone calls in the state of Illinois. This, predictably, results not in rehabilitation, but in the emotional, mental and physical deterioration of the inmates subjected to this human rights violating practice.
The Illinois Coalition Against Torture, an association of individuals and community-based organizations, formed in 2010 to end torture on all levels — local, state and international. Drawing on the Chicago City Council’s 2012 passage of the ICAT sponsored resolution to make Chicago “torture free,” they have just launched The Campaign to End Solitary Confinement in Illinois.
Take Action:
End Solitary Confinement In Illinois petition from CREDO and hard copy petition from Illinois CAT.
Printable info flier to circulate.
More info:
Listen to the source segment for this activism at BOTLActivism: Campaign to End Solitary Confinement in Illinois Prisons, episode #819 "Incentives have consequences (Injustice system)”
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich