Today we explain once again what white privilege is and isn't and then take a look at the case for reparations for slavery
Show Notes
Ch. 1: Opening Theme: A Fond Farewell - From a Basement On the Hill
Ch. 2: Act 1: Bill O'Reilly Exempts Himself From White Privilege - @theyoungturks - Air Date: 05-16-14
Ch. 3: Song 1: inequality - What'z Next
Ch. 4: Act 2: White Privilege is Real - @davidpakmanshow - Air Date: 05-30-14
Ch. 5: Song 2: Turtle (Bonobo Mix) - One Offs... Remixes & B Sides
Ch. 6: Act 3: Examining the case for reparations - @Dis_Con - Air Date 2-18-14
Ch. 7: Song 3: Who Benefits? - In Black and White
Ch. 8: Act 4: Facing the Truth: The Case for Reparations Part 1 - @BillMoyersHQ And Company - Air Date 5-21-14
Ch. 9: Song 4: The Confrontation - Beasts of the Southern Wild (Music from the Motion Picture)
Ch. 10: Act 5: Slavery Reparations Study (H.R. 40) via @repjohnconyers and @NAACP - Best of the Left Activism
Ch. 11: Song 5: Activism - The Poet
Ch. 12: Act 6: Facing the Truth: The Case for Reparations Part 2 - @BillMoyersHQ And Company - Air Date 5-21-14
Ch. 13: No one espouses misandry more than MRAs - Nathan from Boca Raton, FL
Ch. 14: Offended by Sonya's analogy - Peter from Chicago, IL
Voicemail Music: Loud Pipes - Classics
Ch. 15: Final comments on women's lose-lose predicament analogy
Closing Music: Here We Are - Everyone's in Everyone
NAACP Supports Slavery Reparations Study Legislation, H.R. 40, Now Pending In The 113th Congress” introduced by Rep John Conyers
Sample letters/emails to send to your representatives via the NAACP
Sources/further reading:
"The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates
"STUDY: Economic Hardship Makes People More Racially Biased” by Chris Mooney at Mother Jones
"Surprise! Study Finds People Don’t Understand How Racism Works” by Mychal Denzel Smith at The Nation
"We’re Going to Be Talking About Reparations This Year” by Mychal Denzel Smith at The Nation
"Donald Sterling: Slumlord Billionaire” by Dave Zirin at The Nation
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson
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