#1420 Alexa Is Not Your Friend (Digital vs Democratic Futures)

Air Date: 6–1-2021

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Today we take a look at the world of surveillance capitalism and the current age of techno-optimism that is just the newest iteration of the age-old effort to consolidate power and wealth by undermining individual freedom and democratic self governance.

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Ch. 1: Surveillance Capitalism: Shoshana Zuboff Part 1 - Future Hindsight - Air Date 7-16-20

Shoshana Zuboff discusses a world in which technology users are neither customers, employees, nor products. Instead, the raw material for new procedures of manufacturing and sales that define an entirely new economic order: a surveillance economy.

Ch. 2: Sharon Weinberger: Inside the massive (and unregulated) world of surveillance tech - TEDTalks - Air Date 12-1-20

From microscopic "smart dust" tracking devices to DNA-tracing tech and advanced facial recognition software, journalist Sharon Weinberger leads a hair-raising tour through the global, unregulated bazaar of privatized mass surveillance.

Ch. 3: Surveillance Capitalism: Shoshana Zuboff Part 2 - Future Hindsight - Air Date 7-16-20

Shoshana Zuboff discusses a world in which technology users are neither customers, employees, nor products. Instead, the raw material for new procedures of manufacturing and sales that define an entirely new economic order: a surveillance economy.

Ch. 4: Alexa, What's Amazon Doing Inside My Home? - Land of the Giants - Air Date 7-30-19

What’s the downside to letting Alexa run your entire home? And why is Amazon making a microwave oven powered by Alexa?

Ch. 5: Surveillance Capitalism: Shoshana Zuboff Part 3 - Future Hindsight - Air Date 7-16-20

Shoshana Zuboff discusses a world in which technology users are neither customers, employees, nor products. Instead, the raw material for new procedures of manufacturing and sales that define an entirely new economic order: a surveillance economy.

Ch. 6: That Time Disney Built a Creepy Government - Wisecrack - Air Date 1-15-21

Disney World is beloved all over the globe for the pure escapism it offers. But the story behind this fantasy world is a lot weirder, and a whole lot less magical than it might seem.

Ch. 7: Uh-Oh, Nevada Wants To Let Corporations Form Their Own Governments - The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - Air Date 3-4-21

In Stephen's unfortunate new segment "Uh-Oh," he takes a look at the dangers posed by a Nevada bill that would allow big tech companies to build and govern their own cities without state oversight. What could go wrong?

Ch. 8: What data and digitalisation could mean for your democratic future with Shoshana Zuboff - OECD - Air Date 12-19-20

What does the digital acceleration in this pandemic mean for our future? Shoshana Zuboff spoke with Anthony Gooch.


Ch. 9: Steve Durbin — Identity Is Weaponized - ISF Podcast - Air Date 3-29-21

ISF CEO Steve Durbin and producer Tavia Gilbert discuss the ISF’s latest report, Threat Horizon 2023: Security at a Tipping Point. Today, we dig deeper into the report’s second threat: Identity is weaponised.

Ch. 10: Rana Foroohar: The Surveillance Economy - New Economic Thinking - Air Date 8-22-20

Financial Times columnist Rana Foroohar talks to Rob Johnson about how the pandemic opens the door to more surveillance technology from Silicon Valley, but also to a growing consensus on reigning in Wall Street excess.


Ch. 11: Curation Lesson #2: Alternative option explained


Ch. 12: Mere aggregation - Diana

Ch. 13: Use It or Lose It copyrights - Jonathan from Florida


Ch. 12: Final comments to say thanks

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Activism Music: This Fickle World by Theo Bard (https://theobard.bandcamp.com/track/this-fickle-world)
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Description: Close-up of a single human eye with the faded pattern impression of a microchip around the edges. 

Credit: Spying eye | Pixabay


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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  • Amanda Hoffman
    published this page in Episodes 2021-06-01 20:57:31 -0400
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