#1358 How A System Of Power Defends Itself, A Case Study

Air Date: 7–20-2020

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Systems maintain themselves through the efforts of many moving parts that need not understand their roles in maintaining the system as a whole, only their specialized task. Today, I use a case study incident to show how the system of racism defends itself against attack. Many separate parts, none of which understand how their individual actions connect to the larger system, work in complicated yet predictable ways to carry out this defense of racism much like the many specialized antibodies of an immune system work together to isolate and eradicate threats to the host.


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EPISODE SPONSORS: Clean Choice Energy



Ch. 1: Introduction to the story of a story

Ch. 2: Yascha Mounk on antiracism in America - The Good Fight - Air Date 7-10-20

Ch. 3: Jay explains the fraught nature of interracial relationships

Ch. 4: Introducing the Education Council Meeting incident - The Good Fight - Air Date 7-10-20

Ch. 5: Edward Irizarry speaks about the privilege and racial dynamics of the council

Ch. 6: Explaining DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender

Ch. 7: Robin Brochi responds to Edward

Ch. 8: Tom demands to know what’s racist about holding a brown baby

Ch. 9: Additional input from other council members

Ch. 10: The story of the story

Ch. 11: Recap and wrap up

Original meeting video: CEC D2 Working Business Meeting June 29, 2020

16:55 - Edward Irizarry Speech

22:50 - Robin Brochi's Apology

26:25 - Tom Wrocklage asks what about his actions were racist

39:20 - Beginning of segment that is ultimately clipped out of context

Tom's I-have-a-black-friend video: My friend from my living room on the June 11th CECD2 meeting

Tucker Carlson on 'White Fragility'

Tucker Carlson segment mentioning CEC Meeting incident


Ch. 12: Final comments

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Theme - The Good Fight podcast
  • Opener - American Moon Bicycle
  • Waltz and Fury - Macrame
  • Rafter - Speakeasy
  • When We Set Out - Arc and Crecent
  • Thannoid - Bodytonic
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Showing 5 reactions

  • Jay Tomlinson
    commented 2020-10-24 15:11:55 -0400
    Aya, if it were only about symbolism and semantics then I would agree with you. The point of the episode is to demonstrate how we are unable to address big, systemic issues and make very important changes because of how those conversations get derailed in very consistent and predictable ways. In other words, sometimes it is the semantics of how we communicate that prevents the bigger fish from getting fried. To not understand that is to not understand part of what is getting in the way of progress. If the topic of this episode were completely disconnected from how policy changes and concrete progress is made then it would mostly be a waste of time but the point is that they are very much connected.
  • Aya Cao Minh
    commented 2020-10-24 08:40:56 -0400
    I can’t even… you guys are living in your privileged bubble to worry about symbolism and semantics. Who cares about micro-aggressions and white guilt, when there are much bigger fish to fry.
  • Orrett Morgan
    commented 2020-09-04 17:24:35 -0400
    I cannot express how informative this podcast is. I was referred to this particular episode by listening to the voicemail I heard on Ep.1361. Your dedication to nuanced, well sourced information as the basis of discussion is inspiring.

    I learn something from every episode.

    Thanks again.
  • Jody
    commented 2020-07-26 12:49:02 -0400
    I am one of the 100+ parents that signed the letter you mentioned in this episode. I am thankful for all of your efforts to dig deeper and understand the misconceptions, and explain it so clearly and intelligently. You have created an important resource that I know I will return to and ask others to listen to.
  • Shino Tanikawa
    commented 2020-07-23 07:43:24 -0400
    Thank you so much for this podcast. It is enormously gratifying that someone took the time to dig below the surface to understand what is happening within the CECD2 and in the larger society.
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