#820 More misplaced incentive structures (Education)
Today we look at what happens when you add a profit motive to the education system. You may be surprised to learn that some people are more interested in profit than education.
Read more#819 Incentives have consequences (Injustice system)
Today we look at the rotten underbelly of our 'corrections' system, who it victimizes and who it profits.
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#817 The power of words (Trans Rights)
Today we look at the words we use to talk about trans issues and realize the profound impact they have on how we see the issue. Plus there's some bathroom talk because that's the greatest threat to the freedom of cis idiots everywhere.
Read more#816 Dog whistle politics (Racism)
Today we look at how racism is strategically used to gain power for Republicans and funnel money to corporations. And here you thought it was just about keeping them away from the white women.
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