#1604 The Border Crisis is Manufactured for Political Opportunity
Air Date: 1-17-2024
It is evident that the immigration debate is more about acquiring raw power than about immigration as demands from the Republican Party change along with whatever strategies they feel are most likely to get Republicans elected and in the age of Trump, that means the most draconian, harmful and, ultimately, pointless demands to date.
Read more#1603 Clarence Thomas and the Highest Court in the Land with the Lowest Standards of Ethics
Air Date: 1-13-2024
The Supreme Court began to lose its legitimacy in the eyes of many when President Obama wasn't allowed to fill the open seat left by the death of Antonin Scalia but, in truth, the scandal and manipulation of the nation's highest court go back much, much farther than that. However, in a bygone age, scandal was handled much differently than today, putting our current state of dysfunction and hyper-partisanship into sharp focus.
Read more#1535 We Don't Do Accountability (Trump and GOP Crimes That Go Unpunished) (Repost)
Original Air Date: 1–7-2022
Today, we take a look at the criminal charges against Donald Trump that the January 6th Committee has referred to the DOJ but examine them through the lens of past presidential crimes that have gone unpunished from Nixon to George W. Bush
Read more#1602 What Happens in Israel and Gaza Doesn't Stay in Israel and Gaza
Air Date: 1-5-2024
As the war in Gaza drags on, accusations of genocide by Israel have been filed by South Africa at the International Court of Justice and we are reminded that the tactics and technology that Israel develops and tests against Palestinians are sold around the world.
Read more#1601 Christian Nationalism is not Christianity, it is Fascism
Air Date: 1-2-2024
Trump's greatest impact has been to bring the fringes of the conservative movement into the center and, by strongly courting the Evangelical Christian vote, helped accelerate the Christian Nationalist movement to merge religion with patriotism.
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