#1570 The overpopulation debate is more philosophical than empirical

Air Date: 7–8-2023

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Today, we take a look at the dubious, ideologically-driven debate between overpopulation being a danger to the future of humanity and it being a dangerous myth obscuring the real issue of over-consumption

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Ch. 1: Is Overpopulation Killing the Planet? - Ideas - Air Date 6-12-23

In the fall of 2022, humanity entered unprecedented territory when, according to the United Nations, the world’s population reached eight billion people. Journalist Bruce Livesey explores the complex issues around population growth

Ch. 2: Richard Heinberg: Powering Down | Beyond Growth, Toward Simplicity - The Overpopulation Podcast - Air Date 5-16-23

We discuss how we might deliberately rein in our power, starting with an urgent transition away from fossil fuels, and move from a culture of unabated growth toward a culture of sufficiency, simplicity, and resilience.

Ch. 3: Could Everything You Know About Global Population Growth Be Wrong? - WhoWhatWhy - Air Date 4-5-19

Contrary to popular and long held assumptions, global population is declining. The environmental consequences are good, the economic consequences are bad, says this podcast guest.

Ch. 4: The Dubious Overpopulation Debate - Acclimated - Air Date 8-12-20

Is overpopulation driving environmental collapse? Nope. But that hasn't stopped politicians, filmmakers, and comic book villains from making the claim. We consider the real-world consequences of two centuries of overpopulation concerns

Ch. 5: Overpopulation or overproduction? Marx vs. Malthus - International Marxist Radio - Air Date 5-31-23

Is human population growth to blame for poverty and climate change? Plenty of pundits and politicians on the right and left alike seem to think so. Knowingly or not, they repeat the reactionary ideas of the Reverend Thomas Malthus

Ch. 6: An Eye-Opening Discussion On Practical Solutions To Human Overpopulation - Rewilding Earth Podcast - Air Date 7-18-22

Overpopulation and pronatalism, the role of humane education in turning the tide on human population issues, the effects of overpopulation on people, wildlife, and wild places, and simple, practical, humane solutions to the population crisis

Ch. 7: The Dangerous Myth of Overpopulation - The Wild Life - Air Date 4-8-21

Welcome to part 1 of Us, an ongoing series examining our connections and impact on the environment, sustainability, and our changing climate.


Ch. 8: Naomi Oreskes: How Free-Market Fundamentalism Fuels Overpopulation Denialism & Undermines Democracy - The Overpopulation Podcast - Air Date 6-1-23

We discuss the role that libertarian, techno-fundamentalist, anti-choice think tanks have played in fueling anti-Science propaganda on overpopulation denialism, and why these forces must be vehemently opposed for a more just and sustainable planet.


Ch. 9: Final comments on the philosophical question behind the overpopulation debate

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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  • Jay Tomlinson
    published this page in Episodes 2023-07-08 22:45:36 -0400
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