#1625 Society of Extreme Wealth and its Discontents: Tax avoidance, wealth inequality and the detrimental effects felt by us all
Air Date: 5-1-2024
The past, present, and future of tackling the uselessness of extreme wealth by exposing and closing tax avoidance loopholes and pushing for a culture change to embrace the need for a more equal society.
Read more#1518 Ronald Reagan, It Turns Out, Was Bad (Repost)
Original Air Date: 10–5-2022
Today, we take a look at the life and legacy of President Ronald Reagan, the last transformational U.S. president who's regime we are still living in. Between his neoliberal economics, anti-government ideology, and white supremacist appeal to authoritarians, he did more to shape the last 40 years of the politics of the country and conservative movement than anyone else.
Read more#1461 Neoliberalism is Hanging on for Dear Life in Changing Times (Repost)
Original Air Date: 12–15-2021
Today we take a look at the cracks and fissures appearing ever more quickly in the neoliberal order that was already widely criticized before the pandemic stripped it bare, exposing all of the inherent inequality and inhumanity baked right into the system.
Read more#1518 Ronald Reagan, It Turns Out, Was Bad
Air Date: 10–5-2022
Today, we take a look at the life and legacy of President Ronald Reagan, the last transformational U.S. president who's regime we are still living in. Between his neoliberal economics, anti-government ideology and white supremacist appeal to authoritarians, he did more to shape the last 40 years of the politics of the country and conservative movement than anyone else.
Read more#1461 Neoliberalism is Hanging on for Dear Life in Changing Times
Air Date: 12–15-2021
Today we take a look at the cracks and fissures appearing ever more quickly in the neoliberal order that was already widely criticized before the pandemic stripped it bare, exposing all of the inherent inequality and inhumanity baked right into the system.
Read more#1319 Democrats and Plutocrats, Wealth Tax and Wall Street
Air Date: 11–15-2019
Today we take a look at the proposals from Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders for a Wealth Tax and how those proposals run afoul of not just Republican Fats Cats but Democratic Fat Cats as well
Read more#1146 An Unmitigated Disaster (The GOP Tax Plan)
#1140 Smoke, mirrors and myth (Tax Cuts for the Wealthy)
#1103 Freedom isn’t free, it’s paid for with your taxes
#1010 In praise of higher taxes (Economics)
Air Date: 04-29-2016
Today we take a look at the way our current low-tax structure ends up redistributing the burden of funding society to those least able to pay for it while widening the already staggeringly-large wealth gap.
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