#1495 No One Supports the Economic Interests of Rural America (Repost)
Original Air Date: 6–11-2022
Today we take a look at the reasons why Democrats lost rural America and why it's important to make gains outside urban centers through working-class coalitions and a focus on the policy failures of unchecked Republicanism.
Read more#1558 States of Hate, Right-Wing Legislatures Go Full-Tilt While the Courageous Fight Back
Air Date: 5–9-2023
Today, we take a look at the hyper-polarization of our era and the anti-democratic instincts of the right taking hold in state legislatures. Building on a decade of gerrymandering and voter suppression within a structurally undemocratic American system that has helped Republicans create minority rule in many places and unearned super-majorities in others, they have now turned to simply ejecting their elected political opponents from fully representing their constituents.
Read more#1550 Red States, Where Democracy Goes to Die and Terrible Legislation is Born
Air Date: 3–21-2023
Today, we take a look at how GOP-controlled states are subverting democracy with a form of "competitive autocracy" and some of the horrifying legislation these states then pass after they are no longer subject to the opinions of the general public.
Read more#1548 The War on Woke Pits the GOP Against Their Usual Allies in Big Business
Air Date: 3–14-2023
Today, we take a look at the rise of "woke capitalism" as the cudgel now being wielded against any corporations who dare to seek profits by appealing to the majority of potential customers who prefer progressive social positions to that of Republicans.
Read more#1461 Neoliberalism is Hanging on for Dear Life in Changing Times (Repost)
Original Air Date: 12–15-2021
Today we take a look at the cracks and fissures appearing ever more quickly in the neoliberal order that was already widely criticized before the pandemic stripped it bare, exposing all of the inherent inequality and inhumanity baked right into the system.
Read more#1521 The election of a lifetime for this year
Air Date: 10–26-2022
Today, we take a look at the 2022 election and the political dynamics at play as the GOP continues on its path of ideological anti-democracy and Democrats work to register new voters and get out the vote.
Read more#1518 Ronald Reagan, It Turns Out, Was Bad
Air Date: 10–5-2022
Today, we take a look at the life and legacy of President Ronald Reagan, the last transformational U.S. president who's regime we are still living in. Between his neoliberal economics, anti-government ideology and white supremacist appeal to authoritarians, he did more to shape the last 40 years of the politics of the country and conservative movement than anyone else.
Read more#1436 The Long Legacy of Making Deals with the Devil (Bipartisanship) (Repost)
Original Air Date: 8–21-2021
Today we take a look at the history of bipartisanship and appeasement in the US dating back to before the Civil War and tracking it all the way up to the current negotiations over the infrastructure bill.
Read more#1507 Installing Loyalists: The Multi-Pronged Destruction of Our Democracy Already in Progress
Air Date: 8–16-2022
Today, we take a look at the strategies underway to systematically dismantle democracy in the United States including installing Big-Lie™ believers in elected and poll-working positions, preventing state-level Supreme Courts from holding GOP-dominated state legislators to the state constitutions, and wiping out tens of thousands of career civil servants from the federal government to be replaced by right-wing extremists loyal to the Republican Party.
Read more#1503 The Supremely Extreme Court
Air Date: 7–26-2022
Today, we take a look at recent Supreme Court rulings aside from overturning abortion rights and how all signals are that they are going full steam ahead on a conservative authoritarian deconstruction of the past 100 years of progress
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