#1458 White Supremacy on Trial (Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Arbery Murder, Charlottesville Nazis)
Air Date: 12–2-2021
Today we take a look at the state of White Supremacy in the US through the lens of three recent trials; Kyle Rittenhouse's acquittal for his role in the deaths of two and injury of one in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the conviction of the three men who murdered Ahmaud Arbery during what they claimed was a citizen's arrest and a civil suit filed against White Supremacists for their role in the death and injuries during the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally and counter-protest.
Read more#1453 The Tea Party Too (School Board Backlash and the Dark Money Behind It)
Air Date: 11–6-2021
Today we take a look at the raucous school board meetings where parents have been expressing their displeasure with protecting one another from a deadly pandemic or making children aware of the existence of systemic racism in America. Just as with the Tea Party, the Dark Money behind the movement didn't light the fire but is very adept at fanning the flames.
Read more#1449 Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, 2Spirit and Relatives (MMIWG2S+)
Air Date: 10–20-2021
Today we take a look at the flip side of the so-called "Missing White Woman Syndrome" and highlight the structural legacies of colonialism that have put indigenous communities in North America at the greatest at risk of murder and rape among all demographics in the US and Canada.
Read more#1448 Pillars of Copaganda and the Lies We Are Told About Police
Air Date: 10–16-2021
Today we take a look at some of the structures of "copaganda," from misreported stats and coverups to propagandistic opinion articles and police procedurals that flood the pop culture landscape.
Read more#1374 Tell Stories, Not Myths: Columbus and the Centrality of Colonialism
Air Date: 10–13-2020
Today we take a look at the myths of Columbus and American Exceptionalism™ that we cling to and turn our gaze to some of the less-understood but more accurate and important aspects of our collective history
Read more#1445 A Crisis, For Haitians, Not the US, on the Border
Air Date: 9–29-2021
Today we take a look at the so-called "crisis" on the border involving Haitians attempting to cross into the United States. Some say it's a crisis the US is dealing with, others say it's inappropriate to call human beings a crisis. We humbly suggest that these human beings, not the US, are EXPERIENCING a crisis and the US is exacerbating it. And Biden, by following Trump’s policies, is creating a political crisis for himself.
Read more#1443 Legacies of 9/11: War on Terror, Islamophobia and Conspiracy Theories
Air Date: 9–21-2021
Today we take a look at the parallel legacies of 9/11 including the war on terror and military spending, the casual acceptance of Islamophobia, the adoption of ever-wilder conspiracy theories, and the acceleration of the political divide in America culminating, so far, in the January 6th Insurrection.
Read more#1440 The Physical Structures of Structural Racism and the Fight for Environmental Justice
Air Date: 9–8-2021
Today we take a look at the legacy of red-lining, the building and subsequent destruction of Black communities and the health and environmental impacts of segregation. The concept of “Structural Racism” is often a metaphor, not something physical that you can touch, but that is not the case when it comes to environmental racism.
Read more#1435 A History of White Violence in Policy and Practice
Air Date: 8–18-2021
Today we take a look at history of white people deciding to get their way through violence and the tradition of having the government look the other way
Read more#1433 The legacy of White Supremacy in schools, health care and public pools
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Today we take a look at the mechanisms by which the legacy of White Supremacy is harmful to the health and wellbeing of individuals and society as a whole.
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