#1361 Building a Better System of Justice
Air Date: 8–12-2020
Today we take a look at Restorative Justice as an antidote to a wide range of injustices we face, from mass incarceration to having a toddler throw a cheerio at your forehead and much of what lies in between.
Read more#1359 The Life, Legacy and Lessons of John Lewis
Air Date: 8–5-2020
Today we take a look at the life and legacy of Congressman John Lewis at a moment in time when the lessons he has to teach us are as important as when he first learned them himself during the dawn of the civil rights era.
Read more#1358 How A System Of Power Defends Itself, A Case Study
Air Date: 7–20-2020
Systems maintain themselves through the efforts of many moving parts that need not understand their roles in maintaining the system as a whole, only their specialized task. Today, I use a case study incident to show how the system of racism defends itself against attack. Many separate parts, none of which understand how their individual actions connect to the larger system, work in complicated yet predictable ways to carry out this defense of racism much like the many specialized antibodies of an immune system work together to isolate and eradicate threats to the host.
Read more#1357 What Trump is Invoking When He Invokes Manifest Destiny
Air Date: 7–10-2020
Today we take a look at the origins and legacy of Manifest Destiny, the historical term most closely tied to our most toxic version of nostalgia: the one longing for America's golden age of genocide
Read more#1354 Police violence and racism are a product of our past (Uprising, Crackdown, Authoritarianism)
Air Date: 6–22-2020
Today we take a look at the history of racist policing which flows seamlessly into our present racist policing which itself flows into Trump's authoritarian glee at the opportunity to consolidate violent, racist power in response to protests against violent, racist power.
Read more#1353 Uprising, George Floyd was the spark that ignited the world
Air Date: 6–17-2020
Today we take a look at the uprising sparked by the killing of George Floyd in the context of a world in which that event was just the last straw in an innumerable series of straws.
Read more#1352 Racism In America, The Last 160 Years, Explained
Air Date: 6–10-2020
Today we take a look at the long arc of racism in America as a primer for many of the topics it would be good for you to be acquainted with as we live through yet another convulsive societal awakening regarding racism and police abuse in our country. If you only ever share one episode of this podcast with friends, family or another else, make it this one.
Read more#1348 Not the Great Equalizer, the Amplifier of Disparity (Coronavirus)
Air Date: 4–21-2020
Today we take a look at the ways that COVID-19 are impacting the most vulnerable communities the worst and how our legacy of discrimination is being put on full display.
Read more#1342 What Coronavirus Reveals About the Structures of Our World
Air Date: 3–7-2020
Today we take a look at the Coronavirus through the lens of the systems it is affecting including the incompetence of a government that doesn't believe in governing, the dangers of the lack of universal access to medical care and the interdependency of our economies regardless of the inevitable racism that flares up in times of panic.
Read more#1340 The Border Between Socialism and Barbarism (Immigration and Empire)
Air Date: 2–28-2020
Today we take a look at the historical through-line that has brought us to the present state of border barbarism we're now witnessing. An empire of perpetual expansion has finally reached its limit and decided to close the door. Meanwhile, well-meaning liberals have been playing on the nationalists' turf for far too long.
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