#1404 Democracy Under Siege (Voting and Protest Rights)
Air Date: 3–12-2021
Today we take a look at the multiple tactics being implemented in an attempt to undermine the entire concept of democracy because adhering to the will of the majority and allowing for unfettered protests is currently working to the distinct disadvantage of the Republican Party. Most people see the right to vote and to protest as foundational to a functioning democracy, others see them as impediments to their divine right to rule.
Read more#1400 Fighting Neoliberalism from the Fields of India to the Fight for $15
Air Date: 2–20-2021
Today we take a look at the fight to create and maintain workable and humane economic and social floors, beneath which people are not allowed to fall. The fetishization of market forces embraced by decades of neoliberals and weaponized by authoritarians have left millions desperate for basic standards. To draw the connection, we look at the protests by Indian farmers against proposed deregulation and the fight for $15 in the US.
Read more#1364 Fundamentalist-Driven Sectarian Violence (And I am Not Talking About a Foreign Country)
Air Date: 9–5-2020
Today we take a look at the protests and counter-protests roiling the nation and recognize the conspiracy-laden fundamentalism of the far-right that is fueling the violence.
Read more#1354 Police violence and racism are a product of our past (Uprising, Crackdown, Authoritarianism)
Air Date: 6–22-2020
Today we take a look at the history of racist policing which flows seamlessly into our present racist policing which itself flows into Trump's authoritarian glee at the opportunity to consolidate violent, racist power in response to protests against violent, racist power.
Read more#1349 A Deep Dive on the Dysfunction of Trump and his Followers (Coronavirus)
Air Date: 5–3-2020
Today we take a look at the unique, profound dysfunction at the heart of the train wreck that is Trump's response to the Coronavirus. Plus, we explore the death cult that is the group of people still supporting the president.
Read more#1317 Taking to the Streets in Chile and Around the World to Protest Neoliberalism
Air Date: 11–5-2019
Today we take a look at the many protests ongoing around the world with a very strong through-line of demands to reverse austerity, lessen inequality, and improve public services, all hallmarks of neoliberal economic policies
Read more#1314 Hong Kong Protests (Where Colonialism meets Neoliberalism)
Air Date: 10–25-2019
Today we take a look at the complicated range of forces driving the protests in Hong Kong that span the ideological spectrum.
Read more#1237 Understanding the Yellow Vests protest
#1195 Criminalizing protest with civility as a cudgel
#1142 Long past time to boycott the NFL
Air Date: 10–27-2017