#1556 Oil Wealth and Oligarchy, Over 100 Years of Polishing Unredeemable Reputations
Air Date: 5–2-2023
Today, we take a look at the intertwining of oil wealth, philanthropy, and culture washing from John Rockefeller to the sheiks of the Middle East.
Read more#1450 Tax the Mother-Forking Rich (Pandora Papers and other Financial Tricks)
Air Date: 10–23-2021
Today we take a look at a few of the ways that enormous corporate and personal and family wealth is being hidden around the world, most prominently in the United States.
Read more#1285 Naked Capitalism has a Fig Leaf (Repost)
Air Date: 6–28-2019
Today we take a look at the ways that extreme inequality and many of the worst instincts and repercussions of capitalism are being upheld and perpetuated by our culture of philanthropy. It turns out that what we see as the rich giving back is really more of a purchase on their part, a purchase of our acceptance of inequality and the right of the wealthy to rule.
Read more#1285 Naked Capitalism has a Fig Leaf
Air Date: 6–28-2019
Today we take a look at the ways that extreme inequality and many of the worst instincts and repercussions of capitalism are being upheld and perpetuated by our culture of philanthropy. It turns out that what we see as the rich giving back is really more of a purchase on their part, a purchase of our acceptance of inequality and the right of the wealthy to rule.
Read more#1284 How progressive philanthropy strangles progress
Air Date: 6–25-2019
Today we take a look at the surprisingly varied ways that progressive, well-meaning, do-gooding philanthropists have consistently held back the social movements they are attempting to help and have strangled attempts to implement truly egalitarian policies designed to help everyone
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