#1638 AI: From Killer Apps to Killer Robots, the Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence Spans the Spectrum
Air Date: 6-28-2024
AI, like all new technologies, won't be all good or all bad. In fact, my favorite understanding of emerging technologies is that they often bring simultaneous utopia and dystopia, though many tend to focus on the benefits while only discovering the drawbacks later.
Read more#1632 SiliCON Valley: The False Promises, Enshittification Economics, and Misguided Adventures of the Twits of Tech
Air Date: 5-28-2024
Everyone knows the rule about not meeting your heroes because they'll so often disappoint you, today we look at the most disappointing yet most idolized false heroes of our day, the twits of tech and the zany hijinks they've been getting up to recently.
Read more#1578 A.I. is a big tech airplane with a 10% chance of crashing, should society fly it?
Air Date: 8–20-2023
Big tech is currently scrambling to bring untested A.I. products to market, over-promising, under-delivering, and working hard obscure and ignore any possible downsides for society. Big tech needs A.I. regulation now before we all suffer the easily foreseeable consequences as well as some unforeseeable ones.
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