#1266 Writing human bias into the code that runs our lives (Algorithms)
Air Date: 4–19-2019
Today we take a look at the racism, sexism and classism that is permeating the algorithmic systems that are directing more and more of our online and offline lives
Read more#1195 Criminalizing protest with civility as a cudgel
#1182 Wrongheaded laws and prosecutors (Injustice System)
Air Date: 5–8-2018
#1048 Slavery in America is still alive and well (Prison Labor)
Air Date: 10-04-2016
Today we look at the ways in which the 13th amendment to the constitution opened the doors to a mere evolution of slavery rather than it’s abolition as our national myth contends
Read moreHelp Get a Recall of Rape Apologist Judge Aaron Persky on the Ballot in CA via RecallAaronPersky.com
Here are the facts: Brock Allen Turner beat and sexually assaulted an unconscious woman behind a dumpster. He was caught red handed by not one, but two witnesses. When the two witnesses approached Turner and the victim, Turner ran away and had to be chased down and tackled. A jury unanimously convicted him of three felony counts. Turner will serve six months in prison for his violent crimes - three months, with good behavior.
Read more#1024 Privilege and injustice: A case study (Rape Culture)
Air Date: 06-24-2016
Today we take a look primarily at the case of Brock Turner’s triple-felony sexual assault conviction, the pitifully short sentence he received and what all of it says about how our society deals with rape and sexual assault
Read more#990 Prisoners for profit (Prison-Industrial Complex)
Air date: 2-12-16
Today we look at the intersection of market capitalism and our prison system where the private prison industry makes billions and lobbies for ever harsher punishments to continually grow our prison population
Read more#930 Our prisons: cruel and counterproductive (Injustice System)
Today we take a look at the the US prison and bail system and explain exactly how it’s built to systematically punish the poor
Read more#925 A bad idea for all the reasons (Death Penalty)
Today we take a look at the US death penalty from all angles. Cultural norms? We’re an outlier. Protecting the innocent? We kill innocent people. Following the letter of the law? We’re absolutely breaking the 8th amendment to the constitution. Fiscal responsibility? Death penalty costs about 3 times more than life imprisonment. And don’t forget about the racially biased implementation and the structurally biased trail system of death penalty cases.
Read more#889 The system is built to fail (Injustice System)
Today we look at the interplay between a system of structural racism and our (in)justice system and beg the question: is the system broken or is it working just as intended?
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