#1491 Mismanaging Capitalism Can Lead to Fascism (Inflation and the Working Class) (Throwback)
Original Air Date: 5–27-2022
Today we take a look at the disruptions to society that can unfold in times of economic distress such as high inflation, price gouging, wage stagnation and income inequality as well as some policy ideas for turning things around.
Read more#1633 Fights for Fair Pay, Journalism vs Sensationalism, Billionaire Bailouts, and Addiction Capitalism: Sports are a Microcosm of the Ills of Society
Air Date: 6-4-2024
The problems that arise within the systems of sports are the same problems we all face everywhere which makes them a good lens through which to understand the mechanisms of broader society. Fair pay, both journalism and addictive games functioning under capitalism, and benefits for billionaires all resonate far beyond the bounds of the players, owners and fans of sports clubs.
Read more#1625 Society of Extreme Wealth and its Discontents: Tax avoidance, wealth inequality and the detrimental effects felt by us all
Air Date: 5-1-2024
The past, present, and future of tackling the uselessness of extreme wealth by exposing and closing tax avoidance loopholes and pushing for a culture change to embrace the need for a more equal society.
Read more#1556 Oil Wealth and Oligarchy, Over 100 Years of Polishing Unredeemable Reputations
Air Date: 5–2-2023
Today, we take a look at the intertwining of oil wealth, philanthropy, and culture washing from John Rockefeller to the sheiks of the Middle East.
Read more#1484 Elon Musk is Not Your Savior and He Is Actually Awful (Repost)
Original Air Date: 4–20-2022
Today we take a look at the bizarre halo effect that seems to surround Elon Musk and then thoroughly puncture it by just explaining a few things about him and his companies.
Read more#1491 Mismanaging Capitalism Can Lead to Fascism (Inflation and the Working Class)
Air Date: 5–27-2022
Today we take a look at the disruptions to society that can unfold in times of economic distress such as high inflation, price gouging, wage stagnation and income inequality as well as some policy ideas for turning things around.
Read more#1484 Elon Musk is Not Your Savior and He Is Actually Awful
Air Date: 4–20-2022
Today we take a look at the bizarre halo effect that seems to surround Elon Musk and then thoroughly puncture it by just explaining a few things about him and his companies.
Read more#1450 Tax the Mother-Forking Rich (Pandora Papers and other Financial Tricks)
Air Date: 10–23-2021
Today we take a look at a few of the ways that enormous corporate and personal and family wealth is being hidden around the world, most prominently in the United States.
Read more#1446 Occupy Wall Street is Part of a Very Long Continuum
Air Date: 10–6-2021
Today we take a look at what precipitated Occupy Wall Street and the legacy it left behind as we can see it now from 10 years after the encampment at Zuccotti Park in the heart of the financial district in NYC.
Read more#1324 State of the Unions and the 2020 Elections
Air Date: 12–10-2019
Today we take a look at the labor movement as energy and power continue to build and more workers continue to strike to demand better conditions for themselves and all of society in an intersectional movement for social justice. Though not much thanks can be given to either political party.
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