#1624 Island Fervor: Cuba and Haiti Struggle for Economic and Political Self-Determination
Air Date: 4-24-2024
Only by understanding the past can we understand the present and the histories of Cuba and Haiti have very stark lessons to impart about the cruelty of the Cuba embargo, the repercussions of imperial exploitation, and the dangers that arise amid dysfunctional democracy.
Read more#1515 Set the Sun on the British Empire (Queen Elizabeth II)
Air Date: 9–21-2022
Today, we take a look at the history and legacy of British imperialism and slavery through the lens of the divergent views on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the growing movement of former colonies to achieve full independence.
Read more#1511 Economic Underclass, Political Pawns (Immigration and Asylum Seeking)
Air Date: 9–6-2022
Today, we take a look at the precarious state of our immigration and asylum system, the legacy of neoliberalism and imperialism in South and Central America, the inhumanity practiced by both of our political parties (though not equally), and the ever-present possibility that things could get worse.
Read more#1469 Geopolitical Brinksmanship Rekindling The Cold War (Ukraine Crisis)
Air Date: 2–9-2022
Today we take a look at the simmering geopolitical crisis in Ukraine as Russia amasses military forces along the border. In particular, we hear from those who do not predict the imminent outbreak of war and analyze the various motives at play.
Read more#1376 Tell Stories, Not Myths: America is a Force But Not Always For Good
Today we take a look at some of the many zany foreign misadventures the United States has had over the past 100 years. And by "zany misadventures" I mean the naked pursuit of capitalism at any cost, the support of military coups and other undemocratic overthrows of foreign governments and wars for oil and resources in an unabashed attempt to keep America wealthy and the rest of the world less so - all while maintaining an anti-imperial, pro-democracy, pro-freedom, live-and-let-live poker face.
Read more#1376 Tell Stories, Not Myths: America is a Force But Not Always For Good
Today we take a look at some of the many zany foreign misadventures the United States has had over the past 100 years. And by "zany misadventures" I mean the naked pursuit of capitalism at any cost, the support of military coups and other undemocratic overthrows of foreign governments and wars for oil and resources in an unabashed attempt to keep America wealthy and the rest of the world less so - all while maintaining an anti-imperial, pro-democracy, pro-freedom, live-and-let-live poker face.
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