#1624 Island Fervor: Cuba and Haiti Struggle for Economic and Political Self-Determination
Air Date: 4-24-2024
Only by understanding the past can we understand the present and the histories of Cuba and Haiti have very stark lessons to impart about the cruelty of the Cuba embargo, the repercussions of imperial exploitation, and the dangers that arise amid dysfunctional democracy.
Read more#1445 A Crisis, For Haitians, Not the US, on the Border
Air Date: 9–29-2021
Today we take a look at the so-called "crisis" on the border involving Haitians attempting to cross into the United States. Some say it's a crisis the US is dealing with, others say it's inappropriate to call human beings a crisis. We humbly suggest that these human beings, not the US, are EXPERIENCING a crisis and the US is exacerbating it. And Biden, by following Trump’s policies, is creating a political crisis for himself.
Read more#1317 Taking to the Streets in Chile and Around the World to Protest Neoliberalism
Air Date: 11–5-2019
Today we take a look at the many protests ongoing around the world with a very strong through-line of demands to reverse austerity, lessen inequality, and improve public services, all hallmarks of neoliberal economic policies
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