#1005 How to not be terrorized (Brussels Bombing)
Air Date: 04-08-2016
Today we take a look at some of the various responses to the recent bombing in Brussels, Belgium. Unsurprisingly, politicians who traditionally thrive on fear-mongering are encouraging us to be afraid, just as the terrorists would hope.
Read more#974 The Trans Pacific Partnership revealed (Corporate Takeover)
Air date: 12-8-15
Today we look at a variety of ways corporations are working hard to screw over people and the planet in search of profits with a particular focus on the recently-released full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Read more#972 Classic American Xenophobia (Refugee Crisis)
Air date: 12-1-15
Today we look at the racist and xenophobic response to muslims trying to escape their war-torn countries in the wake of the recent Paris attacks
Read more#971 The fear response (#ParisAttacks)
Air date: 11-23-15
Today we look at the causes of, reactions to and reporting on the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and Beirut
Read more#968 The continuing quagmire of an apartheid state (Israel/Palestine)
Air date: 11-13-15
Today we check in with the seemingly unending disaster that is the Israeli/Palestinian conflict
Read more#963 The corporate takeover under our noses (Trans-Pacific Partnership)
Air date: 10-27-15
Today we take a look at the proposed TPP trade deal from a whole variety of different angels. Since the agreement was negotiated entirely in secret primarily between corporate interests it’s not surprising to find that the deal looks pretty bad for everyday people no matter what angle you’re looking from
Read more#954 The angels of our better nature are being tested (Syrian Refugee Crisis)
Air date: 9-18-15
Today we take a look at the worse refugee crisis since WWII and encourage governments around the world to do the right thing to help by opening their doors to victims of war
Read more#931 From rewriting wars to waging peace (Foreign Policy)
Today we take a look at how the election is spurring a new round of revisionist history while others look to change the paradigm on waging war altogether
Read more#918 War is a racket (Foreign Policy)
Today we take a look at the underlying causes of war, just one more reason everyone should be questioning the benefits of capitalism
Read more#907 Propaganda and warmongering (Netanyahu and the GOP letter to Iran)
Today we take a look at how the GOP in the US is working hand-in-glove with the neoconservative Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, to derail peace negotiations and stoke war with Iran
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