#1572 Building a circular, sustainable economy for all
Air Date: 7–16-2023
Today, we take a look at the problems of overconsumption and some policy solutions for reducing waste through a circular, rather than linear, approach to the economy.
Read more#1570 The overpopulation debate is more philosophical than empirical
Air Date: 7–8-2023
Today, we take a look at the dubious, ideologically-driven debate between overpopulation being a danger to the future of humanity and it being a dangerous myth obscuring the real issue of over-consumption
Read more#1155 Leisure, Desperation or a Reorientation (The Future of Work)
#1495 No One Supports the Economic Interests of Rural America (Repost)
Original Air Date: 6–11-2022
Today we take a look at the reasons why Democrats lost rural America and why it's important to make gains outside urban centers through working-class coalitions and a focus on the policy failures of unchecked Republicanism.
Read more#1247 The Fight for the Four Freedoms (FDR vs. Libertarianism)
#1567 How to Sell an Immoral Economic System to the Masses
Air Date: 6–20-2023
Today, we take a look at the story of how neoliberalism was born, how corporations were organized to help push it into the mainstream, and how the courts were reshaped to permanently tilt the rules in favor of corporate power.
Read more#1482 The New Hotness in Scam Culture (Crypto Currency and NFTs) (Repost)
Original Air Date: 4–13-2022
Today we take a look at the mainstreaming of crypto and NFTs by celebrity endorsements, why they're terrible by nearly any metric and why they are emblematic of our broken culture.
Read more#1566 Wrestling with Ethical Consumption Under Capitalism
Air Date: 6–13-2023
Today, we take a look at the struggle to act ethically, at least by our own measure if there's not a universally-agreed standard to compare with, relating to the purchase of both the necessities of life we all need as well as the more luxury items that get added on top.
Read more#1565 Co-Housing Builds Community and Fights Loneliness
Air Date: 6–10-2023
Today, we take a look at the emerging trend of various community housing styles people are using to build community, fight loneliness and lighten the load of everyday chores and tasks.
Read more#1243 The story of Socialism in America (Throwback)
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