#1661 Immigration is Actively Good for the Country Unless You're Racist
Air Date: 10-8-2024
Immigration dominates our politics in the worst way because one side benefits from lying about it and the other can't get their messaging together to create an effective rebuttal. Opposing immigration and stoking blatantly racist arguments doesn't just make the right bad or unsavory, it also makes them wrong on literally all of the facts.
Read more#1654 Demographics of Democracy: Decoding cohorts of voters that will decide the election
Air Date: 9-10-2024
It's said that we live in a melting pot here in the United States. Perhaps it's more of a salad bar, who knows? In any case, there are a lot of people coming from a lot of different backgrounds, cultures, histories, and geographies all about to vote in a few weeks. Today, we try to understand, at least roughly, how people's backgrounds influence their vote.
Read more#1629 Hitting Where it Hurts in Our Era of Negative Partisanship: Messaging left-wing politics amid cultish politics
Air Date: 5-15-2024
In an age of cultish in-group/out-group politics and media, we seek to find messaging for progressive partisans to achieve electoral success
Read more#1621 How Democrats Lost Their Way On Economics And Are Starting To Find It Again
Air Date: 4-9-2024
The neoliberal legacy of the New Democrats continues to loom large but it really does seem like the progressive wing of the party and the broader demand for populist economic policies has had an impact. Now people just need to know that it's happening.
Read more#1569 Winning Progressive Policies with Better Messaging
Air Date: 7–4-2023
Today, we take a look at the difference between the kind of political messaging that feels like the right thing to say and the reframed messages that actually get political results that allow for progressive policies to get passed.
Read more#1495 No One Supports the Economic Interests of Rural America (Repost)
Original Air Date: 6–11-2022
Today we take a look at the reasons why Democrats lost rural America and why it's important to make gains outside urban centers through working-class coalitions and a focus on the policy failures of unchecked Republicanism.
Read more#1461 Neoliberalism is Hanging on for Dear Life in Changing Times (Repost)
Original Air Date: 12–15-2021
Today we take a look at the cracks and fissures appearing ever more quickly in the neoliberal order that was already widely criticized before the pandemic stripped it bare, exposing all of the inherent inequality and inhumanity baked right into the system.
Read more#1531 The Labor Movement is a Hot Mess and Democrats Are Not Much Help
Air Date: 12–13-2022
Today, we take a look at the labor dispute within our freight rail industry as well as other unionization fights that corporations are vehemently opposing while the Democrats and Biden, the "most pro-labor president ever" are doing precious little to help.
Read more#1500 America, A Beginner's Guide
Air Date: 7–4-2022
Today, for this milestone episode, I attempted to squeeze in as many clever and interesting ideas as I could and ended up writing a starter guide to understand the United States. Plus, there are jingles!
Read more#1424 Fighting with at least two hands tied (Conservative Democrats Manchin and Sinema)
Air Date: 6–18-2021
Today we take a look at the politics of obstruction in service to big donors' interests while sacrificing the ability to run a functioning democracy in the process.
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