#1461 Neoliberalism is Hanging on for Dear Life in Changing Times (Repost)
Original Air Date: 12–15-2021
Today we take a look at the cracks and fissures appearing ever more quickly in the neoliberal order that was already widely criticized before the pandemic stripped it bare, exposing all of the inherent inequality and inhumanity baked right into the system.
Read more#1461 Neoliberalism is Hanging on for Dear Life in Changing Times
Air Date: 12–15-2021
Today we take a look at the cracks and fissures appearing ever more quickly in the neoliberal order that was already widely criticized before the pandemic stripped it bare, exposing all of the inherent inequality and inhumanity baked right into the system.
Read more#1459 Disability Is Not Merely Physical or Mental But Is Also Social
Air Date: 12–8-2021
Today we take a look at the state of disability rights and reexamine what we thought we knew about what it means to be disabled in a society that is not built to accommodate various physical and mental disabilities. Is one inherently disabled by their condition or do they become disabled when they bump up against unnecessary barriers in society?
Read more#1452 Worked to Death: Pandemics Expose the Power of Labor
Air Date: 11–3-2021
Today we take a look at the current wave of strikes and labor movements through the lens of pandemic economics and the history of businesses abuse of the worker.
Read more#1445 A Crisis, For Haitians, Not the US, on the Border
Air Date: 9–29-2021
Today we take a look at the so-called "crisis" on the border involving Haitians attempting to cross into the United States. Some say it's a crisis the US is dealing with, others say it's inappropriate to call human beings a crisis. We humbly suggest that these human beings, not the US, are EXPERIENCING a crisis and the US is exacerbating it. And Biden, by following Trump’s policies, is creating a political crisis for himself.
Read more#1441 There is Nothing New About Right-Wing Extremist Violence
Air Date: 9–11-2021
Today we dig through the archives to give deeper context to the current wave of right-wing extremists threatening violence against the government, our election system, mask and vaccine COVID measures and anyone not agreeing with their conspiratorial worldview.
Read more#1366 The Great Unhousing of America (Repost)
Air Date: 9–11-2020
Today we take a look at the easily predictable, yet growing, eviction crisis in America that is entirely thanks to a political and economic system that is structurally incapable of functioning for the benefit of people over profit.
Read more#1432 Wishing Cuba well in one breath, enforcing the embargo in the next
Air Date: 8–1-2021
Today we take a look at the anti-government protests in Cuba in the context of decades of anti-communist propaganda in the US and our punishing embargo intended to destabilize Cuba to the point of governmental collapse.
Read more#1429 The Grit, Glory and Gaslighting of the Olympic Games
Air Date: 7–13-2021
Today we take a look at the costs of the Olympic Games including financial, ethical, moral and social. Private profits come at the hands of public investment, disruption of communities, curtailing of rights and, this year, extensive health risks.
Read more#1418 The morality test of the COVID age (Vaccine Distribution)
Air Date: 5–22-2021
Today we take a look at the global struggle to acquire and distribute sufficient doses of vaccine in an effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not going as well as one might hope.
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