#1385 The Lost Causes of the Confederacy and the Forty Fives
Air Date: 12–9-2020
Today we take a look in real-time at the construction of the world's newest Lost Cause narrative, the failed re-election of Donald Trump. This is not our country's first experience with Lost Causes and it's not, contrary to popular opinion, even our second connection to a Lost Cause narrative because we didn't invent the first one, we borrowed it from somewhere else and I will tell that story today.
Read more#1384 Beyond Trump. Radical Authoritarianism in America.
Air Date: 12–5-2020
Today we take a look at what's behind Trump and his autocratic instincts. The enablers, the supporters and the long lineage of authoritarianism.
Read more#1381 The Conservative Fever Swamp is Reaching Critical Mass
Air Date: 11–17-2020
Today we take a look at the Republican Party and that which is hath wrought. The deeply racist and conspiratorial constituency has been part of the party for decades but it wasn't always the dominant strain. Today it clearly is and in an age of hyper-polarization and with enthusiastic stoking from Trump, that branch of the party is perfectly primed to splinter from shared reality completely in a spectacular, violent way.
Read more#1287 Mitch McConnell is the Forking Worst (Repost)
Air Date: 7–5-2019
Today we take an unflinching look at Mitch McConnell and what a bad, bad man he is for basically all of the reasons.
Read more#1371 Why Even Seemingly Normal People Are Falling for the QAnon Conspiracy Cult
Air Date: 10–1-2020
Today we take a look at the phenomenon of pro-Trump conspiracy cult: QAnon, what it is and why so many people are getting sucked into it.
Read more#1342 What Coronavirus Reveals About the Structures of Our World
Air Date: 3–7-2020
Today we take a look at the Coronavirus through the lens of the systems it is affecting including the incompetence of a government that doesn't believe in governing, the dangers of the lack of universal access to medical care and the interdependency of our economies regardless of the inevitable racism that flares up in times of panic.
Read more#1331 A look into our frightening, fiery future (Australia Bushfires)
Air Date: 1–25-2020
Today we take a look at the climatic, political and social dynamics at play that have helped set the country of Australia ablaze both literally and figuratively.
Read more#1327 Impeachment as a Lens Through Which to Understand the GOP
Air Date: 12–21-2019
Today we take a look at the GOP through modern history to understand how they came to be what they are and how the impeachment is throwing this reality into such sharp relief.
Read more#1315 The Wrecking Crew (The Trump appointees running the government)
Air Date: 10–29-2019
Today, we take a look at some of the main characters that make up the Trump administration to get a sense of who they are, where they're coming from and how they're working tirelessly to ruin everything good about our government and find brand new ways to be terrible.
Read more#1309 Facing Our Existential Dread Head On (Trump and Climate Anxiety)
Air Date: 10–1-2019
Today we take an unflinching look at two of the major sources of anxiety in modern life, Donald Trump and the climate crisis, and some of what we can do to find a degree of calm.
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