#1404 Democracy Under Siege (Voting and Protest Rights)
Air Date: 3–12-2021
Today we take a look at the multiple tactics being implemented in an attempt to undermine the entire concept of democracy because adhering to the will of the majority and allowing for unfettered protests is currently working to the distinct disadvantage of the Republican Party. Most people see the right to vote and to protest as foundational to a functioning democracy, others see them as impediments to their divine right to rule.
Read more#1401 That is a Texas-Sized Climate Disaster You Got There
Air Date: 2–27-2021
Today we take a look at the climate-fueled disaster in Texas from almost every angle; from the strictly scientific to the purely political and all of the disaster capitalism in between.
Read more#1396 The Platforms of Our Discontent (Social Media, Social Destruction)
Air Date: 2–5-2021
Today we take a look at the role that social media plays in the radicalization of discontented communities and engage in the debate over content moderation and de-platforming of individuals.
Read more#1393 Opportunists, Enablers and Seditionists, the Rot at the Heart of the GOP
Air Date: 1–19-2021
Today we take a look at the historical roots and modern manifestations of how white supremacy has turned the GOP base into Frankenstein's monster which cannot be controlled and has finally turned on its creator.
Read more#1391 The Road to Sedition
Air Date: 1–10-2021
Today, in our 15th-anniversary episode, we take a look at the years and years of warning signs we having been highlighting since 2006 that collectively predict the armed insurrection against the government as the natural end point for a radicalized, conspiratorial, White/Christian-supremacist, permanently-minoritarian political movement that has lost its ability to win power by legitimate means.
Read more#1389 Tell Stories, Not Myths: Origins of the War on Christmas, Revealed!
Air Date: 12–22-2020
Today we take a look at the origins of the War on Christmas™ and the Christian Persecution Complex™ more broadly but with a particular focus on how that sense of persecution has been funneled and focused into support for Republican politicians.
Read more#1385 The Lost Causes of the Confederacy and the Forty Fives
Air Date: 12–9-2020
Today we take a look in real-time at the construction of the world's newest Lost Cause narrative, the failed re-election of Donald Trump. This is not our country's first experience with Lost Causes and it's not, contrary to popular opinion, even our second connection to a Lost Cause narrative because we didn't invent the first one, we borrowed it from somewhere else and I will tell that story today.
Read more#1384 Beyond Trump. Radical Authoritarianism in America.
Air Date: 12–5-2020
Today we take a look at what's behind Trump and his autocratic instincts. The enablers, the supporters and the long lineage of authoritarianism.
Read more#1381 The Conservative Fever Swamp is Reaching Critical Mass
Air Date: 11–17-2020
Today we take a look at the Republican Party and that which is hath wrought. The deeply racist and conspiratorial constituency has been part of the party for decades but it wasn't always the dominant strain. Today it clearly is and in an age of hyper-polarization and with enthusiastic stoking from Trump, that branch of the party is perfectly primed to splinter from shared reality completely in a spectacular, violent way.
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