#1218 Kavanaugh forced upon America (Supreme Court)
Air Date: 10–12-2018
Today we take a look at the process and conclusion of Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court and how the whole spectacle, top to bottom, was drenched in some of the worst aspects of patriarchy and toxic masculinity that our society has to offer.
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#1214 The long history of racial voter disenfranchisement
Air Date: 9–28-2018
Today we take a look at the long legacy of racially-based voter disenfranchisement from Reconstruction right up to today and the many, many forms it takes as those who strive to benefit from suppressing the vote employ an ever-evolving slate of strategies to keep themselves in power.
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#1210 Brett Kavanaugh and the Imperial Presidency (Supreme Court)
Air Date: 9–14-2018
Today we take a look at the confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh, his stance on several critical issues and his threat to democratic values and separation of powers in the federal government.
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#1209 Being part of the solution (How to argue your values)
#1205 The multi-front war on the environment and our health
Air Date: 8–28-2018
Today we take a look at just some of the many ways the Trump administration is systematically attacking the environment and our health to pave the way for increased profits for the business interests who have the administration's ear.
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#1203 The causes and dangers of the international rise of the right
Air Date: 8–21-2018
Today we take a look at some of the reasons behind the rise of right-wing movements around the world but also at some of the various shapes they're taking, strategies they're following and emerging trends that may lend them additional momentum in the future.
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#1201 Dehumanizing and abusing the outsider for political gain (Immigration)
Air Date: 8–10-2018
Today we take a look at some of the historical context that sheds light on our current immigration debate by showing that there is essentially nothing new about it, only the details are fresh. We'll also explore the evolution of criminalizing immigration, the abuse of separated children and the GOP need to build a demographic control machine.
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#1198 All we have to fear is fear itself (Our Culture of Fear)
Air Date: 7–24-2018
Today we take a look at our current moment in history and the two basic paths that lay before us, one dominated by fear that drives a willingness to give up power to authoritarian rulers and the other guided by hope for a better future and a willingness to work together toward that future
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#1197 Showing up at the last minute to fight for the Supreme Court
Air Date: 7–17-2018
Today we take a look at the history of what led us to be on the brink of the most conservative Supreme Court in 90 years, some of the details as to what's at stake and some ideas on fighting back, now and in the future
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#1195 Criminalizing protest with civility as a cudgel
Air Date: 7–10-2018
Today we take a look at the attempts to distract with calls for civility and the attempts to suppress dissent with various bans and impediments to protest
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