#1236 The War on Christmas™ 2018
Air Date: 12–18-2018
Today, as we do each year, we take a look at the current state of the War on Christmas™ but with more of an historical focus on how we got here
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#1235 A Counterbalance to Canonization (The Political Life of George H.W. Bush)
Air Date: 12–14-2018
Today we take a look critically at the life and times of George H.W. Bush
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#1234 Neoliberalism and the fascism it breeds (Brazilian Election)
Air Date: 12–11-2018
Today we take a look at the election of a true neofascist to be president of Brazil and some of the economic and political realities that lead us to this point
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#1225 The origins of the libertarian plan to remake America
Air Date: 11–6-2018
Today we take a look at the movement behind the anti-government, pro-wealthy campaign to remake America that dates back much farther than the Koch Brothers.
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#1223 How and why conspiracy theories infiltrate our politics
Air Date: 10–30-2018
Today we take a look at the phenomenon of conspiracy theories from several different angles including psychology, political necessity and some of the conspiracies de jour.
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#1222 A crisis of illegitimacy of our institutions
Air Date: 10–26-2018
Today we take a look at the crumbling trust in the Supreme Court in the wake of the Kavanaugh confirmation, not to mention the undemocratic electoral college, undemocratic Senate and a whole slew of anti-democracy GOP dirty tricks that have been used to acquire and intrench power for a conservative minority
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#1219 How the GOP became the most destructive force in the world
Air Date: 10–16-2018
Today we take a look at the distant and recent history of conservatism in America and beyond and follow the steps that have led to their rejection of science at a moment in history when it has never been more critical to heed the warnings of scientists
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#1218 Kavanaugh forced upon America (Supreme Court)
Air Date: 10–12-2018
Today we take a look at the process and conclusion of Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court and how the whole spectacle, top to bottom, was drenched in some of the worst aspects of patriarchy and toxic masculinity that our society has to offer.
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#1214 The long history of racial voter disenfranchisement
Air Date: 9–28-2018
Today we take a look at the long legacy of racially-based voter disenfranchisement from Reconstruction right up to today and the many, many forms it takes as those who strive to benefit from suppressing the vote employ an ever-evolving slate of strategies to keep themselves in power.
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#1210 Brett Kavanaugh and the Imperial Presidency (Supreme Court)
Air Date: 9–14-2018
Today we take a look at the confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh, his stance on several critical issues and his threat to democratic values and separation of powers in the federal government.
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