#1144 Denying and deconstructing with all their might (Environmental Regulations)
#1137 A perfect blend of colonialism, racism and disaster capitalism (Puerto Rico)
#1134 Unnatural Disasters (Hurricanes and Humans)
Air Date: 9-19-2017
Today we look not so much at hurricanes and the climate science behind them (though we touch on that as well) but focus more on what we can see more clearly when it’s illuminated by so-called “natural” disasters, the structural inequality and legacies of decision-making that make these disasters worse than they need to be
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#1111 Hamstringing American innovation and restricting growth industries
#1108 A conservative solution to solving climate change
#1099 The science of the times
#1093 The Exxon President goes to war with the planet (Climate)
Air Date: 4-7-2017
Today we look at Trump’s recent moves to dismantle Obama’s environmental legacy, the legal troubles he faces and the bright future that renewable energy is still headed towards
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#1082 The economics of our environment (Capitalism vs. the Climate)
#1062 Defend the sacred (Dakota Access Pipeline)
Air Date: 12-06-2016
Today we look at some of the recent violence waged against protectors and independent journalists at Standing Rock North Dakota and the temporary victory of the permitting denial from the Army Corp of Engineers for the Dakota Access Pipeline
Read more#1055 What is at stake (Climate Change and the Supreme Court)
Air Date: 11-04-2016
Today we look at the two biggest issues with the most limited timelines and far-reaching consequences of our era and how they are both at stake in this election
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