#1543 Capitalism doesn't live up to the hype
Air Date: 2–14-2023
Today, we take a look at some origins, alternatives and misunderstandings of capitalism from the Dutch East India Company, to Adam Smith and up through the planned obsolescence and marketing that have tricked us all into working far harder than necessary while failing to make us happy.
Read more#1540 The Grift of Life (Scam Culture™ and the Economy it has built)
Air Date: 1–31-2023
Today, we take a look at just some of the nearly infinite ways in which our society, culture and economy are infused from top to bottom with Scam Culture™ that is bleeding us dry both financially and mentally.
Read more#1461 Neoliberalism is Hanging on for Dear Life in Changing Times (Repost)
Original Air Date: 12–15-2021
Today we take a look at the cracks and fissures appearing ever more quickly in the neoliberal order that was already widely criticized before the pandemic stripped it bare, exposing all of the inherent inequality and inhumanity baked right into the system.
Read more#1536 Your Food Choices Are Not Your Food Choices
Air Date: 1–11-2023
Today, we take a look at the way unscientific guidelines, government subsidies, corporate propaganda, cultural context, capitalism, community stigma, and many actively and loudly wallowing in ignorance has shaped your personal food choices.
Read more#1529 Monopolies Run By Morons
Air Date: 12–3-2022
Today, we take a look at the mega-companies that touch all of our lives and the monopolistic practices that have been developed to keep power and wealth concentrated with the few while the rest of us get screwed.
Read more#1523 Pocketbook Pain and Corporate Profits
Air Date: 11–1-2022
Today, we take a look at the corporate price-gouging and massive profits happening under the cover of widespread inflation, all in the run-up to the midterm elections in which the GOP is running cover for corporations and blaming Democrats for price hikes.
Read more#1514 Creating a Digital World of our Worst Habits
Air Date: 9–17-2022
Today, we take a look at the way terrible patterns of the past like colonialism, racism, propaganda, feudalism, and abuse of corporate monopoly power are recreating and re-entrenching themselves in the digital world
Read more#1513 The Morality of Debt and Forgiveness
Air Date: 9–14-2022
Today, we take a look at the history and hysteria behind debt and debt forgiveness while Biden is canceling student debt and opponents of the idea are reacting in the most predictable way possible because they misunderstand the relationship between debt and morality.
Read more#1512 Ownership and Rights in a Digital World
Air Date: 9–9-2022
Today, we take a look at platforms, goods, and business models in the modern landscape of the digital marketplace. We start by questioning the morality of engaging in given platforms that cause harm - cryptocurrencies' role in crime and Facebook's role in destabilizing society, for instance - and then examine virtual products and virtual talents, the movement demanding the right to repair, and the coming world of digital art produced by artificial intelligence.
Read more#1511 Economic Underclass, Political Pawns (Immigration and Asylum Seeking)
Air Date: 9–6-2022
Today, we take a look at the precarious state of our immigration and asylum system, the legacy of neoliberalism and imperialism in South and Central America, the inhumanity practiced by both of our political parties (though not equally), and the ever-present possibility that things could get worse.
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